Chapter 34: Blast from the Past

Start from the beginning

The Shy Guy walked toward Jean's dropped book and handed it back to her. Weary of his behavior, the Hammer Sister took it quickly. The masked fiend shrugged his shoulders, "I kinda agree with your sister here," he said. "The king could be withholding his sentiments due to trauma or political discourse."

Jean frowned. "Yeah, but... He's the king. He can court or marry whoever he pleases. As for the other option... I don't know-"

"Luigi makes him happy," Kai added in, finally conceding to her sister's belief. "What happened in the past, sadly happened. But now, we all know what signs to look for if Luigi turns out to have ulterior motives. Which I so doubt he does, dude's like... a wet blitty."

"A very wet blitty who managed to capture the king's attention," the Shy pointed out.

The trio laughed at that. Now that Kai thought about it, how did Luigi manage to capture the king's heart? Perhaps Bowser's ideal male partner was one with brains and a touch of vulnerability. Hmm... The Shy waved his hand dismissively, "B-but let's be optimistic here! If we realize the king has a thing for Luigi, it's a sign he's overcoming his previous relationship."

Jean tilted her head. "That's true. He's also not really hiding it; at least I don't think so?"

"So, Luigi's just oblivious and can't see the clear signs?" Kai replied.

"That's not what I said!" Jean snapped. "It could be he's just not used to Bowser's way of courting."

"I don't know. If a guy started being physically affectionate and doing everything to impress me, from showing off their strength to letting them near my family, I'd be very aware of his intentions."

The Hammer Sisters looked at each other, silently agreeing that Luigi was painfully oblivious. That fact just added more to the reason why the King hasn't announced him as his consort; can't exactly tell the kingdom you might be dating someone if that person has no idea what's going on. Jean crossed her legs, "In any case," she said loudly. "Things could work out between them. I mean, I'm not opposed to it."

The Shy nodded. "If Luigi not being royalty was really an issue, they could just ask Idaten to give him the title of Champion."

Jean and Kai exchanged a look. Once again, with the facts pointed out to them, the solution was clear. Champions were greatly respected in the Darklands for their displayed strength and oftentimes regarded as nobility. And after everything Luigi's done for them, he was certainly worthy of the title. That is, if General Idaten is willing to give it to him. Knowing the Koopa, they wouldn't be opposed to it; they already have the title of General and are considered Bowser's best friend as well as star-parent to the prince.

"We'll see how it plays out. We can't really influence their relationship," Jean said.

"Or shouldn't," Kai responded. "They have to figure it our for themselves."

Suddenly they got a cold chill down their spines. Like... they were being watched. They slowly looked at the door and noticed Kamek looking through, his eyes turned to slits. The soldiers stood to attention. The mage narrowed his eyes, "What's this? Three soldiers standing around, doing nothing productive?" he muttered, a sharp edge to his words.

"We were taking a small break-"

"We are are on a very tight schedule," Kamek said apathetically. "Sarasaland and the Yoshi Isles are to be reconstructed if we ever want to see the volcanic shores of our home."

Kai gulped. "We'll get back to work, sir."

Kamek stared at them for what felt like eternity, before slinking back into the darkness. The soldiers broke out in shudders and sighed in relief. Without a word, they exited the target range and headed back to the reconstruction site outside the airship.


The royal advisor walked briskly back to his office, his mind racing with a multitude of concerns. Firstly, Bowser's unexpected meeting with the Crowned Princess sparked hope for improved relations between their kingdoms, yet uncertainty lingered. Could they truly find common ground, or would it only escalate tensions further?

Secondly, Idaten's prolonged absence stirred unease. What could have delayed them? Was it a simple delay, or something more troubling? The longer they remained away, the heavier the worry settled upon the advisor's shoulders. As he settled into his chair, the weight of his responsibilities felt palpable, like a suffocating shroud. Glancing at the clock, each passing minute heightened his concern for Idaten's well-being.

Moreover, the conversation he inadvertently overheard added another layer of apprehension. Kamek's parental concern for Bowser's well-being was understandable, especially considering past hardships. The thought of another consort potentially causing harm was a chilling prospect, one that Kamek fervently hoped to avoid at all costs. He wasn't sure of what to do! Kamek was certainly not going to stop Bowser from pursuing Luigi, but the idea was scary.

Times like these are when he wished Clawdia was here.

As Kamek grappled with his inner turmoil, a pang of longing for Clawdia pierced his heart. Her wisdom and guidance were sorely missed in moments like these. How he wished she were by his side, offering her calming presence and sage advice. Yet, despite the ache of her absence, Kamek knew he couldn't dwell on what he couldn't change.

With a heavy sigh, he adjusted his glasses and redirected his thoughts to the most pressing matter at hand: Idaten's absence. Recognizing the potential danger of their prolonged delay, he knew action was necessary. Sending a search party to locate them became his immediate priority. The last thing he wanted was for anyone to come to harm or for Princess Daisy to misconstrue their intentions, especially in the current delicate political climate.


That couldn't be possible.

Idaten and their team moved with practiced precision, weapons at the ready, as they stealthily approached the flagged hill. The general, leading the way, skillfully navigated through the dense foliage, avoiding even the slightest rustle that could give away their presence. This situation felt off—never before had the Darklands encroached upon this island, especially since Sarasaland was so close by.

A Paratroopa soldier was the first to step into the clearing. The flag stood tall, waving with the wind. As the rest of the Koopas left the cover of the trees, they appeared to have stepped into some rudimentary campsite. A small fire pit sat at its center, the charred remnants of logs suggesting recent use. Surrounding the fire were scattered cooking utensils—an iron pot, a few skewers, and a cracked kettle, all showing signs of wear and tear. Nearby, a makeshift shelter had been constructed from branches and foliage, offering basic protection against the elements.

Idaten walked toward the shelter. As they peered inside, there was nothing but a massive nest; almost the size of- Then, without warning, something struck Idaten's shell. With lightning reflexes, they spun around, spear at the ready, only to find the Paratroopas frozen in place, their weapons abandoned on the ground, eyes locked on a figure emerging from the shadows of the tree line.

It was the Paratroopas' reaction that drew the general's attention, prompting them to step closer for a clearer view. And what they saw was startling—a Royal Koopa, seated calmly in the shade.

Long, wild strands of black and grey hair framed her face, partially concealing piercing red eyes. Horns curved gracefully from her mane, adding to her regal aura. As she rose, a plume of blue fire erupted from her, drawing attention to her heavily scarred shoulder, where her arm was conspicuously absent. Despite her imposing appearance, there was a palpable weariness about her, as if she bore the burden of countless battles and hardships. The Royal Koopa regarded them with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion, her crimson gaze betraying a hidden intensity that seemed to penetrate their very souls.

The soldiers ripped off their helmets, dropping to their knees in a synchronized motion, heads bowed in deference. The Royal Koopa's eyes narrowed as she caught sight of the emblem emblazoned on their headgear. A surge of urgency coursed through her, propelling her forward with determined steps. She seized one of the helmets, drawing it closer to her face for inspection. At that moment, her nostrils twitched, detecting a familiar scent that stirred long-buried memories, ones she never expected to encounter again. She looked out to the dimming sky, "Watashi no musuko... watashi no musuko wa ikite imasu." [My son... my son lives.]

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