Chapter 1

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•Anastasia's POV•
"fuuuuuuck" i said. it was literally 5 in the freaking morning and i had to get up to catch my flight. We live in sunny California but my parents got a promotion and now we're moving to Virginia. Like wtf is in Virginia really.

I got up and ran to Cam's room and jumped on him. "Wake up loserrrr" i yelled. "go away" Cam said pushing me off the bed. "we're gonna be late hurry up."

I put on my light gray joggers and a white crop top that went over my bellybutton. I had my hair in a ponytail and slipped on my white converse.

We were moving but we didn't have to pack our furniture. Apparently they had supplied us with furniture but there is no way in hell I'm gonna let some baggy old people decorate MY room.

We got to the airport and my parents were in a certain part of the plain that was different from where me and Cam were sitting. That's way cool with me cuz me and Cam are like besties. I plugged in my headphones and Cam took one and put it in his ear. We took off listening to The Hills by the weekend.

~~~~~~~~skip plane ride~~~~~~~~~

So here we are. Our house was HUGE and i mean huge. it was right by a lake so that means we can swim whenever we want. I rushed in the house and me and cam fought for our rooms. I got one with a balcony that was right across from another persons balcony. It was weird but my room had a bathroom with a separate tub and shower and a walk in closet. My parents had already gone to work. Geez so much for moving day but whatever. Me and Cam decided to go to furniture places to buy our room decor. First we went to ikea and me and cam being the childish kids, we played house with the displays. From ikea i got some white sheets and a cool carpet with some curtains. Next me and Cam went to the mall.

we went to all sorts of places like an indie themed store, a beachy store, i got some Tumblr looking stuff no joke. After me and Cam were done we got home at around 9 pm and knocked out first thing.

A/N: hey guys i know this might be a boring chapter but you're in for some pretty good stuff :))

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