Chapter 1

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*Nyaonix Pov*

Nyaonix: *sleeping* *wakes up from her alarm* *wakes up and sighs* My first day in high school... If only I could never be in school... Mother: *sees Nyaonix awake* I wish you wouldn't worry so much.. you won't be in school for the next five years... Nyaonix: Yeah.. I don't care.. anyway.. Imma go get ready so I can get through this... *Leaves her room* Mother: *sighs* Nyaonix: *gets ready* *grabs her bag* ok I'm heading out now... I'm driving this time... Mother: Sure whatever... *Goes to her room* Nyaonix: *leaves the house* *goes to her car and starts driving to her school* I hate school...

About 2.5 minutes later... She arrives..

Nyaonix: *parks her car and gets out* *puts her keys in her bag* *goes to the front gate* *reads the sign* "must have Identification Card (I.D.C) to enter" *sigh* *rings the bell to try to get someone to let her in* Someone: *opens the gate* Hello! Are you new? Nyaonix: Y-Yes I am... *Nervous and shy* Someone: Oh ok.. well come on in... We were expecting someone new... Anyway... Come on... *She follows* So... New student... We're going to the front office to get your schedule... It might take an hour or two so be patient... Anyway... We have rules... Hopefully you can follow them...

A little bit later... She was inside of the building waiting for her schedule...

Nyaonix: *sitting on the bench resting* ???: Hey! *Wakes her up* Nyaonix: What is it..? ???: Are you new? Nyaonix: Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?

About 1 hour later... She got her schedule and went to her second class...

Nyaonix: *sees almost everyone drooling over her appearance* *and the other half is just surprised* Uh... Hello..? Teacher: Oh you must be Nyaonix! Please have a seat... Anywhere is fine... *Sits down next to a Seviper* Seviper: *grabs her with his tail* hey there hottie~ are you a cat because your a purrfect type for me~ Nyaonix: Not interested... Leave me alone.. Seviper: Aw come on... You have to like me~ Nyaonix: No interest... I don't really like you.. I actually don't even know you... Seviper: Your regretting this! In the bathroom... And there's nothing that can save you after that...

A few hours later... It was last class and Nyaonix went to the bathroom...

Nyaonix: I hope no snake hurts me... *Uses the bathroom* *leaves her stall* Seviper: *comes up from the ceiling* I'm going to give you one more chance~ accept my off and no harm will be done to you~ Nyaonix: No! I don't care! Seviper: welp... You asked for it~ *puts his tail in her genitals* Nyaonix: Ahh~ what the f-f*ck..?! What are you doing..?! Seviper: Teaching you a lesson~ Nyaonix: *drooling* I-I can't t-take it anymore... ah~ f-f*ck...~ I hate this school..... P-please.. someone help.... M-Me...

About 30 minutes later... The Seviper left... Leaving the poor Meowstic alone... In pain...

Nyaonix: 'it was not supposed to go like this...' *gets up and cleans herself up* *leaves the bathroom and goes to her class* i can't believe all of this happened... I hate this school! Someone: *answers the door* Nyaonix: *walks in and immediately sits on her desk* *cries softly*

After school she went to her car and went home... And then she immediately went to her room...

Here's the second time... This time with Lucario

Lucario: *comes up from behind her* *holds onto her from behind* Nyaonix: *gasps* Lucario: *grabs her breasts and starts playing with them* Nyaonix: mmh~ please stop...

3rd time.. with Dragonite...

Dragonite: *touches her genitals* Nyaonix: *moans like crazy*

4th time.. with Arbok and Seviper

Arbok: *puts his tail inside of Nyaonix's a**...* Seviper: *puts his tail in her genitals* Nyaonix: *moaning like crazy*

5th and last time with every single one of the four..

Nyaonix: 'i hate my life and this school...'

About 1 month later... she went back to school...

Nyaonix: I don't want to be here... This place is a torture chamber... But at least I got them expelled.. but still... I hate it here.. Friend: Hey! Why were you photoing my breasts?! You pervert! I'm telling the principal! Nyaonix: I did no such thing! Friend: I Yes you did! There's photos in your bag! Nyaonix: *checks her bag and sees photos of women's breasts* I DIDN'T PUT THIS HERE!!

And then later... She was sent to juvenile for no reason... and then after 30 days... She was bullied... A lot...

Nyaonix: *gets slammed into the wall by an Espeon* Espeon: DO YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST DO WHAT YOU WANT AND TALK TO MY FRIEND?!? THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND YOUR TAKING ABOUT!! GO DIE SOMEWHERE RIGHT NOW!!! AND NEVER COME BACK! Nyaonix: *runs off* 'why did mother register me here?!'

So she got bullied for at least two weeks which leads to self harm... Anyway... Her sister Shisui came to visit...

Shisui: Hello! Nyaonix: Sis! *Goes to hug her sister* How's your wife? Shisui: Oh don't worry... She's fine... Just not really in the mood to leave the house... Anyway wanna go have some fun sis? Nyaonix: Sure!

After about 3 hours of hanging out... They both went home..

Mother: You are spoiling her too much! Shisui: No I'm not! I'm treating her better than you!! Mother: THEN TAKE THE SPOILED BRAT! Shisui: I sure will!! Let's get out of here Nyaonix... You don't deserve to be here...

Not later... They both went to her house...

Nyaonix: I love it here sis! I want to stay here forever! Shisui: You will Nyaonix... You won't be staying there anymore... You're still driving to school right? Well ok... You just have to be careful... Nyaonix: I'm always careful sis... Don't worry about me...

A few days later... Ogma visited...

Ogma: Hey girls! Hey Nyaonix! How are y'all doing?

About 1 year later if Ogma staying with the two... Ogma had to leave sadly...

Nyaonix: Do you really have to go..? Ogma: Yes sis... I'll make sure to visit you ok? Nyaonix: Ok! Bye! *Ogma leaves* *sigh* if only she wouldn't leave... Shisui: Oh it will be ok... Just don't worry too much...

TBC... 1035 words...

(Psychic Love) Fem Meowstick x Male Indeedee (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora