Shopping For Swimsuits

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This scene unfolds in Natsu's expansive mansion, where he has invited everyone over for the project.

Natsu settles on the floor along with everyone else after getting drinks for everyone.

"So, where should we start?" Natsu asks. "I don't think we can instantly bond with everyone," Rouge remarks in a serious tone.

"Relax, Rouge! We don't need your serious vibes killing the vibe!" Sting interjects playfully, though he receives a glare from Rouge, prompting Sting to avoid eye contact once more.

Lucy lets out a sigh as she gazes at her two brothers. The triplets, Rouge, Sting, and Lucy, have distinct personalities. Rouge, the eldest, is involved in the student council alongside Erza and Jellal, which adds to his popularity as he's always lending a helping hand. Sting, the youngest, charms everyone with his fun-loving demeanor, often playing the role of the class clown. In contrast, Lucy, the middle, feels like an ordinary girl, quietly harboring a crush on Natsu, even though she knows her chances are slim.

As Lucy sighs again, Levy glances her way briefly before refocusing on Natsu, who commands attention with his leadership.

"I propose our first group project should involve a trip to the beach!" Natsu exclaims with enthusiasm, but Loki merely scoffs in response.

"I have no interest in accompanying you losers anywhere," Loki retorts with annoyance evident in his tone.

"Apologies, pretty boy, but it's necessary if you intend to graduate," Gray remarks, prompting another scoff from Loki.

Loki steals a glance at Lucy, clearly captivated, but she remains preoccupied, lost in her thoughts, with her gaze fixed downwards. However, Natsu notices this and shoots a slight glare in Loki's direction.

"I suggest we kick things off with a shopping spree for swimsuits and capture the moments with photos," Mira suggests in her usual gentle manner.

"Mira is correct. That's a good starting point," Erza chimes in with her serious demeanor.

"Great idea! Count me in!" Natsu exclaims enthusiastically.


In a swimsuit store, the girls gather at the back, examining various swimsuits.

"Check this out! This would look amazing on you, Lucy!" Mira exclaims, holding up a swimsuit against Lucy's body.

"Oh, no... I don't think so. It might not flatter me..." Lucy responds, glancing away, which prompts Mira to tilt her head in confusion.

"What do you mean? You have a lovely figure!" Mira insists, then turns to Natsu. "Natsu, you agree, right?" Lucy visibly flinches at the mention of his name.

Natsu notices and walks over, examining the swimsuit and Lucy before flashing a bright smile.

"Absolutely! It suits you perfectly, Lucy!" Natsu says with a radiant smile, causing Lucy to blush.

"See? Even Natsu thinks so," Mira adds with a soft giggle.

"I-I'll give it a try," Lucy stammers as she takes the swimsuit and heads to the changing rooms.

Meanwhile, Levy is browsing on the opposite side of the store. Gajeel joins her and remarks, "I think the one you're eyeing now would look good on you," his cheeks slightly flushed.

Rolling her eyes, Levy retorts, "I had already planned to buy it, even without your input," adding a touch of sass as she looks at Gajeel.

"Ah, feisty ones are my type," Gajeel comments with a smirk, but Levy takes offense and swiftly kicks his leg, causing Gajeel to yelp in pain as Levy walks away, maintaining her sassy demeanor.

In the fitting rooms, Mira and Cana stand by with the door slightly ajar, eager to see how Lucy looks in the swimsuit, as Lucy then opens the changeroom door.

"Wow, Lucy! It's fantastic!" Mira exclaims happily. "Yeah, it suits you perfectly," Cana adds her opinion.

"R-Really? You think so?" Lucy asks, her voice tinged with shyness. "Absolutely!" Mira responds with enthusiasm.

"Then I'll take it," Lucy says shyly, eliciting a yelp of excitement from Mira.

After changing back, Lucy exits the changing room and rejoins Mira and Cana outside.

However, Natsu is distracted, solely focused on observing Lucy, forgetting about his own need to pick out a swimsuit.

"Just talk to her if you're so taken with her," Gray remarks bluntly, snapping Natsu out of his daze.

Sh-Shut it, Gray!" Natsu retorts defensively, but Gray chuckles in response. "This group project might be your opportunity. I noticed how your expression changed when you heard Lucy would be in our group," Gray teases lightly, causing Natsu to blush slightly and fall silent.

Juvia, who is nearby, listens intently to the conversation with a sly smile on her face. Stirring up drama has always been her forte, and this group project seems like the perfect opportunity for her. She starts envisioning her first move, which revolves around exploiting the mutual crushes between Lucy and Natsu, anticipating the drama that will unfold.

Her gaze then shifts to Levy and Gajeel, considering the possibility of adding another layer of intrigue to the mix. The thought of manipulating their relationship for her own amusement intrigues her. However, she knows that to achieve her goal, she must first create an illusion of attraction between Levy and Gajeel, planting the seeds of discord that will eventually blossom into chaos.

"This promises to be quite intriguing," Juvia murmured with a mischievous smirk playing on her lips, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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