The Forgotten Soul

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You are filled with rage as you think about how unfair this all is. You can't believe you were just ripped away from your life, from everything and everyone you know.

As you look at yourself in the water, you are haunted by the vision of your face as you drowned... You wonder how your parents are reacting right now... How they are feeling...

You know that this isn't the last time they will see you... You know that they'll see you again... That's the part that hurts the most...

You hear a voice getting closer and closer

"Uh... Hey there what you doing here this place got closed"

"You... you can see me?"

"Yeah... what about it should I not be able to see you?"

"I'm dead...."

The person who you were talking backed away in shock wondering how and why they can see you.

"Are you the lady got washed away?"

They ask in curiosity since 50,000 people have died at this "death beach" so your not the frist


"Well nice to meet you..."


"Nice to meet you Y/N!"

This person a bit too energetic for your liking king but it's the best you can get since they are the only one who can see you really.

"Well hi then stranger"

"It's Ázima"

You are surprised that they haven't left yet since it's becoming night as you think about it they ask you a question

"Hey Y/N could you stay with me... I know it's an odd question but could you"

They seem lonely as hell so you just agree and get out the water.

They seem lonely as hell so you just agree and get out the water

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You both go home and chill.

"Why do you want me here I'm a ghost"

"Me too!"

"So why can I see your face"

You realize that you can see their face but you can't see you own face you touch your face to realize that it's gone....

"Wh.... WHAT THE FUCK?!?"

You scream out but still no one hears you realize that you just can't scream you just can't.


  Next part:

I always come back

Tried To Scream-EarthkittyWhere stories live. Discover now