The Group Project That Will Start Everything

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At Fairy Tail High, students are sorted into various groups. The popular students stick together, the nerds create their clique, the jocks and cheerleaders form their circle, and the average students discover camaraderie within their own group.

Let's check in on what the students are doing, shall we? Look, there's Levy and Lucy, the average students at the school. They're spending time together outside before class starts.

"Hey, Lu! Have you heard about the new girl?" Levy asks eagerly. "Oh, yeah, I've heard about her. I heard she's quite pretty," Lucy responds with a smile, her tone tinged with a hint of awkwardness.

"I heard her hair color is blue, just like mine! It's kind of exciting," Levy remarks with a smile. "Is that so?" Lucy replies in a somewhat disinterested tone, her attention drifting as she gazes at something else, completely captivated.

Levy glances in the direction of Lucy's gaze and gets a look of disgust on her face. It's directed at the popular group, which includes Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, Mira, Cana, and Lisanna. However, Lisanna is only part of the group because she's Mira's sister.

"Lucy, forget about him! Natsu won't ever notice someone from our ordinary group," Levy says to Lucy, her annoyance evident toward the popular kids. Lucy sighs in response. "Yeah, I suppose you're right..." Lucy says with a slight frown.


In the classroom, Gildarts, the teacher, starts a conversation.

"So, I'm sure most of you have heard about the new student, right?" Gildarts asks, prompting nods from the students as they anticipate the newcomer's arrival.

"Alright then, you may come in, Juvia," Gildarts announces.

The door swings open, and everyone eagerly awaits the new student's entrance. However, their expressions quickly shift to disappointment as...

"Sorry I'm late! I had a huge dump today!" Sting blurts out hastily, his words causing a mix of reactions.

"Remind me, how am I related to him again?" Lucy mutters with a touch of embarrassment, eliciting a giggle from Levy.

"Um, excuse me," Juvia interjects from outside the classroom, reaching out to tap Sting's shoulder, prompting him to turn around.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" Sting apologizes as he swiftly steps aside, allowing Juvia to enter the classroom. As she walks in, everyone is captivated by her beauty, their eyes fixed on her.

Juvia positions herself at the front of the classroom, while Sting chooses a seat in front of Rouge and settles in, sensing a slight glare from Rouge but making a point to avoid direct eye contact.

"Hello, I'm Juvia..." Juvia introduces herself, her beauty immediately catching everyone's attention.

"Juvia, you can take a seat next to Lucy," Gildarts instructs, gesturing towards where she should sit. Juvia nods and settles in beside Lucy. Levy, who was initially seated in front of Lucy, turns around eagerly as Juvia takes her seat.

"Hi! I'm Levy!" Levy says with enthusiasm. "Hello," Juvia responds in a somewhat disinterested tone. Her demeanor exudes a cold beauty that often intimidates others, although it doesn't seem to faze the popular group, who are eyeing her and contemplating talking to her once class is finished.

"Hi, I'm Lucy. Looks like we'll be sitting next to each other this semester," Lucy says with a slight nervous tone, noticing what seems like an eye roll from Juvia, though she wonders if she imagined it.

"Nice to meet you, Lacy," Juvia responds in a cold tone.

"Oh, actually it's Luc-" Lucy starts to correct her but gets cut off.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Juvia dismisses with a more uninterested tone.

Lucy and Levy both feel offended by Juvia's behavior towards them but decide to shrug it off, assuming she treats everyone the same way.


As class ends and everyone starts to rise from their desks, Juvia stands up too, catching the attention of the popular group as they approach.

"Hi, I'm Natsu!" Natsu says with a wide smile, but Juvia appears more interested in this group, causing Levy and Lucy to exchange glances.

"Hello, I'm Juvia," Juvia says with a slight smile this time.

"I'm Gray," Gray responds, his gaze fixed on Juvia, captivated by her cold beauty.

"We'd love for you to hang out with our group! I think you'd fit in really well," Natsu says with another charming smile, which surprisingly pleases Juvia.

"I wouldn't mind," Juvia replies, flipping her hair back with a slight smile.

Gildarts, the teacher, interjects, "Oh, before you all leave." His statement draws everyone's attention back to him.

"There's a group project that needs to be completed by the end of the year," Gildarts announces, sparking gossip among the students. However, he quickly quiets them down to continue speaking.

"But... I'll be assigning the groups," he adds, causing a collective gasp as no one wants Gildarts to make the selections.

Gildarts proceeds to announce all the groups until he reaches the last one.

"The final group consists of Natsu, Gajeel, Gray, Cana, Mira, Erza, Jellal, Rouge, Sting, Lucy, Levy, and..." Gildarts pauses as he notices Loki, who isn't paying attention due to having been held back a year.

"The last member is Loki," He finishes, prompting Loki to flinch and immediately get up and protest, "What!?"

Gildarts gives a slight glare and warns, "Failure to complete this project will result in repeating another year, potentially delaying graduation." This causes Loki to pause and bite his tongue, realizing he has no leverage against Gildarts.

"As it's your final year of high school, this project aims to showcase your bond and memories over the year, requiring photographic evidence," Gildarts explains, prompting everyone to glance at their groupmates.

"Now, I don't mind how you achieve it, just ensure it's completed," Gildarts addresses the entire class.

"Now, class dismissed," Gildarts concludes as his final words to the class.

To be continued.

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