2. travellers

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"jen, you can't bring seventeen cardigans, we're going to florida it's going to be 90 degrees over there!" bailey groaned, taking the cardigans out of the mountain of clothes that jenny had been piling into her suitcase.

jenny folded her arms stubbornly and rolled their eyes "this is a nightmare, your list is shit, dude. i can't choose between my handbags!"

"just bring a backpack?" bailey said confused as she reorganized jenny's suitcase, checking the boxes on her list

the blonde girl's jaw dropped and she stared at their best friend in offense "you did not just say that."

bailey shook her head with a knowing smile and kept packing and simultaneously debating with jenny about what she could and couldn't take with them on their summer trip.

liam had managed to convince his dad to let the group all stay at his family's beach house for the summer in key west florida. bailey was extremely excited seeing as it was on the list of places she always wanted to see.

jenny sat on the suitcase cross-legged while bailey huffed as she tried to zip it closed

"so," jenny said "you and liam flirting on the chat, when did that happen?"

bailey's hand suddenly slipped and she fumbled "flirting??"

jenny smirked "yuh-huh, flirting." she put her finger up as a signal to wait and took her phone out, reading out the messages from the group chat dramatically while bailey rolled her eyes and kept trying to close the suitcase

"-i mean, granted he's an above average guy - still a guy - but yes, objectively good looking. and he's one of your best friends and he's rich. but also-"

"are you still talking about this?" bailey panted tiredly as she finally closed the suitcase after ten minutes, standing up.

jenny jumped up "hey, look i'm just stating the facts."

bailey ran her hands over her face "well... unstate them because i'm not even sure i like liam like that-"

"a ha!" jenny exclaimed with a grin "so you've been thinking about it!"

"aaand we're gonna be late! ilyas should be outside right about now."

bailey grabbed the suitcase and rolled it through jenny's room as her blonde best friend followed

"mark my words, trent, i'm going to get you to admit your feelings before the summer ends."

the two girls made their way out of the apartment building towards a black car that was parked right at the entrance. a tall boy with brown curly hair climbed out of the drivers seat with a sigh

"woah, you actually got her to pack one suitcase?"

jenny flipped him off, rolling her eyes as she got in the car while bailey struggled with the suitcase. ilyas headed over to her, taking it from her gently

"i got it," he reassured her

bailey looked up and smiled gratefully "thanks, ilyas." she walked to the trunk to open it so he didn't have to

"this thing weighs a ton," ilyas groans, lifting it to put away and bailey laughed

"yeah, and that's after convincing her to settle for four pairs of shoes instead of twelve."

ilyas chuckled, closing the trunk "yeah, sounds about right." he glanced at her, noticing bailey's fidgeting with her rings "you okay?"

"oh definitely! we're right on schedule, just need to get on that plane and get there, then the fun can begin!"

ilyas nodded slowly "okay," he smiled reassuringly at her "then, let's get going so we don't fall behind."

"i thought you'd never ask," she beamed, quickly heading to the passenger seat as he went to the drivers seat, the three of them driving to the airport.

the trio met up with liam at check in, getting through security with enough time to grab some food before boarding. they had all booked their flights in business class but they were randomly assigned, so the paired seating was jenny and ilyas on the left and liam and bailey on the right side of the plane.

liam awkwardly buckled his seatbelt, leaning back against the seat casually as he glanced to see the braided-haired girl looking out of the window, fiddling with her rings nervously.

"plane nerves?" liam asked

bailey snapped her attention away from the wing of the plane put her window and looked at him "um...sort of. sorry, it's stupid. i've been like this ever since i was a kid."

liam tilted his head "how come?"

"no idea," she shrugged "i'm just wired that way i guess,"

as the plane started moving to take off, jenny had placed her eye mask on her face to sleep and ilyas had his headphones on with his music playing. bailey was still trying to calm her nerves and when the plane started to gain speed, she grabbed liam's hand without thinking.

liam's eyes snapped to her in surprise and saw the girl with her eyes closed, trying to stay calm. so, he just grazed his thumb over her knuckles and squeezed her hand reassuringly.

when the plane was in the air and bailey opened her eyes, she smiled sheepishly at him, looking down.

"s-sorry..." she mumbled

liam shook his head "it's okay. i um, i didn't mind."

bailey looked up shyly and they smiled at each other, not realizing a familiar gaze on the both of them during that interaction.

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