1. new experiences

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zoe summers sat laying on her towel with her sunglasses on, her eyes closed as she let the sun soak into her tanned skin. she felt at peace, hearing the waves crash to the shore before her. she had the company of mia, sitting on a beach chair with an umbrella above her to have some shade while she was immersed in yet another book while the twins; cam and laila were out swimming to freshen up.

the sun was blocked after a couple moments by a figure, standing just beside her to sit on his towel that was settled right next to hers. zoe couldn't help but smile a little more when he was around. after all, he was her best friend.

"laila is crazy," cam exhaled, shaking his hair to get some of the salt out

zoe propped herself up on her elbows and raised her eyebrows "what did you do?"

cam's jaw dropped "what makes you think i did anything??" zoe gave him a look and he rolled his eyes playfully "i just casually nudged her into the water,"

the brunette girl let out a laugh and cam smiled softly at her. he always did when she laughed.

zoe sighed softly and laid back down, her face in cam's direction as he laid on his stomach, his head leaning against his folded arms in her direction too

"what was that for?" he asked

"hm? oh, i just love this part of the year," zoe smiled "everything about summer is just always perfect, you know?"

cam nodded, looking at her "yeah. perfect."

she returned his gaze before the feeling of her golden retriever, pluto, nudged her legs, bored of laying down on the sand and needing to play.

zoe chuckled and got up, scratching pluto behind the ears "you wanna go have some fun?"

cam watched with a grin on his face, turning over on his back as zoe ran around with her dog, her face beaming.

mia's exasperated sigh caught the boy's attention. he turned to her and she was giving him a 'dude, come on' look.

"what?" he asked confused

"are you ever actually going to ask her out? or are you just going to pine after her like you've been doing since the fifth grade?"

cam's face heated up suddenly... from the sun. obviously...

"psh...what? i-i don't know what you're talking about."

mia raised an eyebrow and marked her page, closing the book to settle on her lap as she turned to properly face him "i'm a book enthusiast. i read a lot. in fact, i read everything. i know all the signs."

cam bit the inside of his cheek "it's not obvious right?"

"it is, but zoe's as socially aware as a piece of coral." mia exhaled heavily

"yeah," cam cracked a smile

"oh god, you're down bad," mia shook her head, opening her book up again

"hey, no i'm not! i'm down...normal!"

mia snorted a laugh "whatever you tell yourself, but i'm right!"

"who's right?" laila asked, coming back with zoe and pluto as the curly-haired girl grabbed her towel to dry herself off and zoe sat back down beside cam, who had glanced at mia suddenly

"oh, just a book theory," mia shrugged

laila groaned "mimi, please tell me you're not just going to be reading again all summer and you'll actually go out with all of us? social interaction is good for you!"

"i have social interaction!" mia exclaimed in defense

"we don't count, mimi," zoe said with a soft smile, tapping her friend's arm sympathetically

the girl groaned "i just like a quiet, simple time! i don't need to be going out talking to random people i'm never going to see again..."

"and you could talk to a guy and get a boyfriend like those book characters." laila replied "one party! it's a simple bonfire lizzy's planning and she's invited the school but it's also an open invite! even cam's going!"

"uhhh i am?" cam questioned, his mouth full with a piece of his sandwich he'd bit into

zoe stifled a laugh and nodded "yes cam-bear, you are going. we're all going to go and have some fun. that's going to be the plan for the summer before senior year starts up and we have to get serious."

mia exhaled hesitantly as laila looked at her expectantly, her eyes full of hope.

"...fine. one party!"

laila squealed and rushed towards mia, who yelped in surprise as her friend twirled her around excitedly and cam chuckled as he ripped off a piece of his sandwich to share with zoe, their fingers brushing against each other as he handed it to her and their sheepish blush going unnoticed by one another.

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