Knowing you

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"I cooked." He says behind me and I keep my eyes on the two new appliances in front of me. He clears his throat and limps in front of me.
"Do you like the new stuff."
"You have to take them with you once you leave this place." I say and he ignores me , moves to the microwave and takes out a plate of food. "You should eat." He stretches his arms towards me and I take the plate, put it on the counter and open the food cover. A shrimp stir fry? Where on earth did he get all this? It looks good really good. I grab a fork and dig in while sitting on the stool. He's just standing there waiting for my reaction. "This is amazing." I say and a smile creeps in. He's proud of himself. "Thanks." He goes back to his serious self.

I go and join him in the living room after eating and washing my plate. He's carrying a MacBook busy doing whatever he's doing and I just stare at the screen. Will I ever watch it? If my mom wakes up everyday and looks at that horrible man then surely I can watch tv as well right. I remember my eyes were painful the following day and I didn't even go to school. Jackson and my mom never got out of the room that day and I was thinking about the worst that could have happened. I don't know who called Ethan but that morning he came home angry and he broke mom's bedroom door when he realized it was locked. All I heard was noise from the inside, Jackson was screaming asking for forgiveness continuously and then I thought maybe he had killed her. I stood up and followed them that's when Ethan shouted "Go to your room Sabby!" It was the first time he ever talked to me in that manner but then I knew it was to protect me. I slowly turned then I heard him say "Don't worry mom, the ambulance is on its way, I'm going to deal with this bastard. If anyone asks tell them he ran away after doing this to you." After hearing that I knew mom was alive and I sighed in relief.
"Stop thinking about it." Jordan says and I almost jump. I forgot about him.
"I'm not." I respond and then he takes the remote next to him and he switches on the tv. I look at it. He lowers the volume before anything starts showing. When I see the sports channel I realize I can't do this. Jackson used to watch this too. I attempt to stand and right then Jordan says "Sit down." He commands and I comply . I go back to staring at the tv. He changes the channel and goes to the food channel and he waits for a reaction from me and I loosen up a bit. He puts the remote back on the sofa and I watch. Pioneer woman is making a bean salad and stuff. I remember Miss Kalu teaching us how to make it. It was so fun. "You like cooking?" He asks me and I nod.
"I'm studying Culinary Arts. I wanna be a sous chef." I smile.
"Why not a head chef?" He closes his laptop and concentrates on me. Being the coward that I am ...eye contacts threaten me I concentrate harder on the tv. "That requires a lot of thinking and I'm a lazy thinker." I joke.
"You can handle barking orders all day I know ." He says and I laugh. Someone knocks on the door and I look at him. I'm not expecting anyone.
"It's Kai." He gets up.
"It's okay I'll get it. It could be the bad guys. I mean the guy blew me kisses he might have followed me." I laugh getting up and he frowns. How exactly do I joke with people like him.

"Hello Kai." I say.
"What's up short stuff." He says and immediately I feel annoyed. I step aside and he goes to his boss. I honestly don't see why he should continue working for Jordan cause he clearly can't protect him. Should I go back to the living room now? I'll just stand in the kitchen.
"We caught the doctor." Kai tells Jordan and I hear their hands clapping in shake.
"I'm going to have fun today." Jordan says. How? What does he mean?
"So go and get ready." Kai says
"Sabrina says she saw Sam where I left the car." Jordan says.
"She knows him?" Kai queries .
"She said she saw guys in tuxes by the scene. And some bastard blew her a kiss." He says bitterly.
"And that bothers you?" Kai asks.
"No. Actually yes. Sam is a pervert and a stalker. What if he's intrigued and comes after her?" He complains.
"That won't happen bro what's your problem. Please can we just go?" Kai interjects.
"Alright." Jordan says. He's leaving?
"Sabrina!" He calls me and I slowly walk to the living room.
"Yes?" I act clueless.
"I have to go out for a while, I'll see you later. Do you have spare keys?" He asks and I shake my head.
"You can take mine , I won't go anywhere." I tell him and he nods.
"I'll have to lock you in though you know that right?" He raises his eyebrows and I think for a minute. What if he locks me in and never comes back? Why am I putting my trust in him? I can't agree.
"Don't lock the doors. Just take the keys with you and you'll lock the doors when you come back." I suggest and he shakes his head.
"It's 20:45pm Sabby, you can't sleep with doors open. I'm coming after mid-"
"After midnight?"I gasp.
"Yes, unless if you want to wake up and open for me?"
"That's okay." I say calmly and he nods while walking away then he stops by the door and says "Please watch tv."

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