Hogwarts, here I come !

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Norbert asked me to look after one of his little protégés; I thought of choosing Pickle, the niffleur, but he's not the most practical for all that shiny business. I ended up offering to look after Pakito, one of his botrucs, although Pickett will be a little jealous.

Our whole group went to the station, and a portoloin was taken from me. The idea of leaving my friends is hard, very hard. They're happy for me, but I'm going to miss them so much! No more lunch with Thomas, no more evenings with Léta and Thésée... I've already said my temporary goodbyes to everyone except them. I hugged Léta and Thésée for a long time, before saying goodbye to Thomas and stepping aside. It was hard to let go of that hug. I'd see them again on my days off, but not every day.

- Go and shine! Go and inspire future generations! he said, smiling his perfect smile.

- In six months?

- I know you can do it! You're going to be with Emily, the Knowles sisters back together at Hogwarts.

- Yes! I'm going to miss you!

- "We will miss you too, but maybe next time we can meet at Hogwarts. He said moved. We'll talk in letters.

- Yes, we will. See you next time, Thom's," I said, feeling a bit courageous. See you next time, Leta, Theseus.

- Until next time!

I said my last goodbyes before heading up the hall towards Hogwarts. I arrived outside Hogwarts, the same emotion as the first time taking hold of me.

Headmaster Dippet welcomed me.

- Mademoiselle Knowles, pleasure to have you as new teacher.

- Thank you for the opportunity, Headmaster.

- We are colleagues, as such, you don't need to be this formal, without student. This is Armando.

- Noted, I was unable to say it.

- I'll let you get settled in. Your sister has offered to show you to your rooms. Your timetable is there. You have the day to yourself.

- Thank you so much!

I saw Emily in the distance, waiting. I smiled at her discreetly.

- See you tonight, Miss.

- See you this evening.

The director left, returning to the castle.

- Emily!" I said to her, my sister joining me, running.

I ran towards her.

- I missed you!

- I missed you too!

- six months together at Hogwarts! she jumped with joy.

- Yes!

Together, they put her things down, it's strange to be back in the castle, full of memories mixing with new ones, the past, the present.

- Miss Knowles!

exclaimed Professor Dumbledore, my former metamorphosis teacher.

- Professor.

- You don't need to be formal. Albus, please.

- You get used to it," whispers to me my sister.

- I still have to get used to it.

- You're not a pupil any more.

- I realise that, it's ingrained in the habit.

- Welcome to the other side of the desk.

- Thank you !

I left my sister, went to my new quarters, to write and settle down. I made a bed for Pickle, the best I could. I wrote a letter to Thomas first, telling him about the arrival, the strangeness of being able to call our teachers by their first names, and my first lesson tomorrow. Then I wrote to Thésée and Léta.  

when the pain is too much to bear (Fantastic Beast OC tome 1)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat