Some evening

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17 years later, London, st Mungo's Hospital, May 1926

— Goodbye, Rosa!

— Goodbye, Julia ! See you on Monday! Have a good weekend !" I say enthusiastically to my fellow lab potionist.

- You too !

Let's see, I have ten minutes left for the potion ''poussos'' and I'm almost done for the day ! I checked my preparations, my vials and the numbers to bring down. We're good! I put the potion in a bottle and label it and off we go! Fire out, pots clean, cart full ! I closed the lab and headed for the first aid department. I greet Mary, the nurse at the desk today and gave her the potions:

— "Present for the service," I declare in my usual way.

— Thank you. We're going out tonight for butterbeers. Do you want to join us?

— Thanks for the invitation, but I'll pass. I've got a date with a new book and a good pizza tonight.

— Have a great weekend.

— Good luck with the rest of your shift. Bye !

— Bye !

— You've got me in the mood for a pizza now," comment Thomas, coming in to take his shift tonight.

— You found your meal tonight at least. I answer him with a smile.

He is not yet dressed and in advance for his usual 6pm shift.

— You're here early tonight. It's 5pm and pumpkins.

— Bill has a third date tonight. I have to go change to cover for him.

— Have a good shift!" I say laughing.

— With Allison, from the magical creature injury department," Mary whispers to me.

— Oh, someone's going to have a good Friday," I say laughing. Have a good evening, Mary !

— Hi !

I went into to the lobby, it's the weekend! I walked to my flat, to enjoy the outside. A good shower, then I prepared my meal. Once finished and a good home-made pizza, time to read !

What's all the fuss? Someone came in, three masked men! One cast a spell. I search and found my wand and cast a protego in time. I got hit by an another spell. By the left, again and I focus my attention on him:


I turned to the remaining two but they attacked together. I defend myself as best I could, combat reflex still here, but I am outnumbered. I manage to push one of them away but .... the other one has me in his grasp. His wand against my shoulder.

— Drop it. he orders.

No way.

— Re....

A force threw me against the wall. Ow, my head. My wand,where is it ?

Petrificus totalus. I heard it before it hit me.

I couldn't move. I took a breath. I could feel liquid running down the back of my head. Blood, I think ! My head hurt. No ! no ! I start to fight back, but I couldn't. My heart is pounding. One of the men come and picks up my wand. Slowly, he breaks it. My wand ! No ! He walk over, slowly while the others went into the rest of the rooms. He smile cruelly and look at me, powerless. I continue trying to cast the counter-spell without a wand but without success. I'm doom !" I keep trying to break it without success. Unsay and wandless, it's .... I couldn't speak or call for help! He raise his foot and reachs for my right shoulder.

The pain wash over me! Ail. His foot is still on my shoulder, pressing down hard to break it.


My heart skip a beat. I can't react ! My whole body is on fire! I try to scream but no sound came out ! Electric shocks came over me, like knives attack ! Please... Stop ... I .... it to stop .... please.... stop! stop! stop! Please.... it ... stop.... please.... pleeease.... My vision became blurry as the pain continue. Everything went black.

when the pain is too much to bear (Fantastic Beast OC tome 1)Where stories live. Discover now