Tattooed Wings.

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Since Dean felt curiosity fill him and he couldn't let it go, he decided to just ask.
“Why ya askin’ Cas?”

“I was thinking about getting one.” Castiel informed as he turned a page of his book

Dean looked surprised. Okay, yeah, that makes sense. Usually, people who ask about tattoos want one, but he's just a little baffled. The Angel admitted it so easily. Aren't you supposed to not mark your body in the bible?
“Seriously?” He questioned

Castiel looked up from his book with those blue eyes that always seemed to bore into Dean's soul.
“Yes. I wouldn't joke about making such a permanent decision to my vessel.” He furrowed his brows

The older hunter blinked a little confused and then just nodded.
“Okay, yeah. That's good.” He said because at least he was being smart about it

“It's a tough decision.” Dean added

“I'm aware.” Castiel gave a curt nod

Dean nodded dumbly again. He's still trying to understand the strange situation.
“So… what kind of tattoo do you want?” He asked as he moved his plate to the side

Castiel seemed to contemplate his answer before looking at the other.
“I suppose I can tell you. I've thought about it a lot.” He said

“Okay?” Dean urged

“You and… well, other humans are unable to see my wings on this plane of existence even though they are there at all times.” Castiel started to explain

Dean nodded at that, glancing behind the other as if he could see them.
“Yeah, that's why we hear them sometimes when you come and go.” He said

“Exactly.” Castiel smiled a little at the thought of the older hunter paying attention to the sound of his wings

“I would like a physical representation of my wings that you and others can see.” The Angel explained

Oh, Dean understands now. It seems simpler than he thought it was, though.
“So you want a tat of some wings?”

“Of mine, yes.” Castiel nodded

Dean raised a brow at the correction.
“How are they gonna do that if they can't see your wings?”

“I drew a picture. It's a perfect replica of my wings.” Castiel replied as he put his book down once again

“You got it on you?” Dean asked because now he wanted to see

In the past, he's only seen the shadow of Castiel's wings casted behind him or burned into the ground below his dead body. To see them in a situation where he's not posturing, getting his stolen grace back, or lying on the ground dead would be nice.

“It's in my room, but I'd rather you not see it until I get the tattoo if I decide to.” Castiel told him

“Why can't I see?” Dean frowned

“I want it to be a surprise.” Castiel smiled slightly again

Dean didn't like secrets, but this technically wasn't anything bad, and Castiel has practically told him everything, so it's not really even a secret. However, he implored the other to say more because he could there the Angel had something else to say.

“It was Charlie's idea.” Castiel glanced to the side

“Course.” Dean rolled his eyes as he got up and collected the plates

“Well good luck on deciding or whatever.” He shrugged as he walked to the sink to wash them

“Thank you, Dean.” Castiel said in a fond tone that made Dean's heart do things it shouldn't

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