Mercury x Venus Pt.1

113 3 2


should I make this smut in part 2?


Mercury POV:

I and the rest of the rocky planets were playing cards again, surprisingly during this round I had won, for the first time!

Earth: Wow good job mercury!

Mars: I gotta hand it to you mercury, you were pretty good this round

Venus: Good job ya lil' pipsqueak

I felt my surface heat up a bit when I heard Venus's compliment, but my thoughts were interrupted by sun screaming at us to get back in our orbits.

After I had gotten back into orbit behind the sun I curled up into a ball and started to tear up

Why do I feel like this whenever I'm near him?

Yes, I used to have a crush back when he had life but then I lost those feelings when he started bullying me.

god, why are they back...


srry if im a lil rusty

Words: 141

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