You lost herm

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Oakley ran in, out of breath hovering over because he couldn't breathe I didn't understand.
"I lost herm" was all he said my mind went blank for a moment, then i realized what he had said
"What do you mean you lost herm" I said getting mad
" Ethel wanted to see herm out the window like the dogs she sees, so i thought hey why not what can happen to a stuffed dog, well i was wrong because he flew out the window" he said
"Where is our 5 year old daughter Oakley" I said looking at his hands empty.
"She's in the car screaming" was all he said
"You left her in the car" I yelled
"Hey now if you saw what I saw you think I killed Someone, she want to crying" he said now looking sad I sighed, herm was the fist stuffie she had and we took him everywhere I mean every where she will not leave him at home and if we forgot him he had to turn around and go back to get him.
"Why didn't you stop the car" I said walking to the door and out
"Because there's cars" he said looking at me like I lost my mind
I could hear the screaming coming from the car, Ethel was not having it. I opened the door she stopped for a minute then looked at Oakley
"Daddy lost herm" she said with a few tears in her eyes I shook my head
"Well mommy knows how to fix this, I think herm needed his own adventure for a minute" I paused " look I'll go look for him baby, you and daddy go watch baby shark I'll be back" I said hugging her and giving Oakley look they both went inside while I started the car off to target
I reached target in no time rushing in like a mad woman moms always saving the day when they have husbands who don't know how to. I spent hours looking in target but couldn't find him my hopes where giving up until I saw him in this kart that, no one was around I looked at the French bull dog and the around me no one was looking so I walked over and took him out of the kart I ran to the cash register and payed then booked it out, hey now don't judge you would have done the same thing if you had a screaming kid that loved their stuffie. I got to my car and started driving home, I walked in side to hear Oakley getting off the couch and to me
"Did you find him" Oakley asked
"Took me long but I did" I said smiling pulling out a new herm
"Mommy you found herm!!" Our little girl screamed running up to him and hugging the dog I smiled
"Super mom" Oakley said to her Ethel shook her little head running back to the couch while hugging him me and Oakley smiled we both sat with her and cuddled up on the couch

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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