Why are you out late?

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I sat at the curb outside of this Bar looking at the ground I could hear giggling and talking and a few girls saying that the famous rapper central cee was at this club and the loud music with mascara stains down my eyes hoping that no one would notice me here and after hearing a famous rapper was here I don't need them seeing me cry , 20 minutes ago I had everything in life now I am sitting outside a bar wishing I could restart the day, I could  hear people coming out and talking just having a good time , I felt someone sit down on the curb not to close to me but not to far, oh great I thought now I'm going to be picked up by some sleazy guy
"Not having fun in there" a guy said lighting a cigarette I looked him my mascara stained eyes looking at him "whao there love you okay" he asked
"Yes im fine, absolutely fine" i said giving him a smile that said please go away, he laughed
"What you had to much to drink or something or you and your girls get to drunk and got to emotional for each other" he said not going anywhere I laughed and shook my head
"Then why are you out so late" he asked i shook my head again remembering earlier today
"I'm not even drinking I.. I just had to get away form my apartment" I said looking at him, he shook his head
"Want to talk about it" he asked taking another drag of his cigarette, I watched as it lit up I sighed looking away from  it and up at the London night sky
"I am well was" I sighed again not really knowing " I was dating this guy  and today he proposed but it didn't feel right, just didn't feel right" I said still looking at the sky wishing someone or something would give me a sign
"You think maybe he's not your soulmate" he asked , this guy believes in soulmates, I took a really good look at this guy he had tattoos on his arms and he dressed like all the London man you see around here but for some reason he looked very familiar,
"I ran out on him" I replied maybe I'm not ready for marriage I was only 23 and I still haven't lived my life the way I wanted to but with how the world is going you can't really live your life unless your rich and baby's I'm not rich
"You mean you just walked out on him" the guy asked giving me a look of savage, I laughed he was cute but I had to get home to fix this or end it
"If your not ready or don't love him anymore he deserves to know" the guy said getting up and giving me his hand I took it and got up with him
"It's not that I don't love him, he's just not my person anymore and I can't marry him" I said looking at the guy, he really did look familiar I just can't put it together
"Well here's my number if this guy doesn't have your heart maybe I can try" he said with a smile I just looked at him, he gave me a wink and walked back into the club looking so stupid I stood there trying to figure out what just happened did god just give me a sign, I stated walking back to my apartment smiling but feeling worse because of what I had to do

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