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The three of you finally make it to the house, being shoved through the door by the security guards before any of you could ask a single question. "Well, this fucking suck, I'm stuck in a mansion with three morons, and one I have to take back to the hospital with me," Freddy complains, pouting like a child in a toy store who was told no. "Depending on how much you want to cooperate, we might be able to get this over with. Can you do that for us scar face?" Hannibal asks in a condescending tone trying to get on Freddy's nerves. "Listen, old man, I had as much as a choice as you did, don't act like I wanted to be in the same room with a bunch of dumbasses!" Freddy bites back, causing you to get in between the two. "I'm not happy about this like the both of you, but if it means that we can get out of that asylum shit hole, I'm willing to do it. So, who's with me here to get some mommy issues ass?" You say and the two of them look at you as if they were looking at an alien before agreeing. "Just as long as me and Mr. eat brains for breakfast," Freddy says, heading upstairs. 

You let out an exhausted sigh before flinching slightly at the feeling of a hand resting on your shoulder. You look over to see Hannibal giving a soft smile before speaking. "Thank you darling for doing that. I don't think I could handle his insolent banter any longer." He says, causing you to let out a friendly chuckle. "I'm just glad you aren't tearing out each other's throats. He nods and her shoulders shake with a silent laugh. "I think I know why he put you in this little group with us. Now, you go get some rest, they dropped us off a bit late, so I think we deserve a little bit of beauty rest for what we're doing for them." Hannibal says about to turn around before you stop him. "What about dinner?" You ask and Hannibal turns right back around to look at you. "You're right dear, I'll get on that right now!" he says before a booming voice stops him. "I'm not eating fucking human!" Freddy yells out. "How about I cook for tonight? I've learned a little when I was a kid, so it won't be so hard." You say, your voice coming out more confident than you were.

Hannibal sighs and finally agrees, leaving you to the kitchen to whip up something. Now the only question is, what? You pace around the room for a bit, more focused on the fact of having to cook than your surroundings, only to turn back in despair to find a recipe for spaghetti i and meatballs laid down on the counter, the paper old and a bit ripped up but still readable. You're about to question your sanity when you suddenly remember that Brahms exists. "You want me to make you a plate too?" You call out, feeling a bit silly as you do it. You wait for a bit and no answer, probably due to Brahms not being the most social man, a flaw in your plan. "I'm going to take that silence as a yes." You say almost begging no one is watching you talk to actual air. You move on to cooking afterwards, using each and every step on that recipe, you couldn't really tell if you were thankful for the fact that he gave you it to make it simple for you, or offended because he thought you couldn't cook spaghetti. You try to forget about that and just plate the food, remembering to leave an extra plate for Brahms. "FREDDY! LECTER! DINNER!" You yell out and you hear two sets of feet and their voices bantering as they descend from the stairs.

"What's up with the fourth plate?" Freddy asks as he sits down, staring at the little area you set up for Brahms at the side of the absurdly large table. Was it a little extra for a man who lives in the walls? Yes. But was it still fun to do? Most definingly. "How bout don't touch it and mind your business." You snap at him, and he puts his hands up, surrendering. "Woah! Sorry sweets, didn't mean to get you all fired up, I was asking a simple question." He says, causing you to fell slightly bad cause in all truth, he was just curious, but he's an ass so the guilt fades quick. "Just eat." You say, twirling some of the pasta onto a fork. Hannibal lets out a groan of approval as he takes a bite. "This is absolutely wonderful dear, you really out did yourself." He says, clearly making sure he swallows his food before speaking. For a killer, you sometimes wonder how he has so many manners. "Thanks Dr. Lector, that means a lot." You say with a smile, causing him to give a smile back. 

After a while of eating, Freddy stands up and stretches, grabbing your empty plate that you almost forgot was there, hell, you didn't even realize it was empty, were you really that nonobservant? "Why are you taking my plate?" You turn to look at him as he places his and yours in the sink. "I'm done eating and I'm annoyed you're not getting up to put you dish in the wash, that's all. Don't get quizzical on me Nancy Drew." Freddy says, but you can't help but hear some humor in his voice, as if he didn't exactly mean what he said and was only trying to be a hard ass. "Well... thanks.... Jackass." You say, adding the last part because you could. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. goodnight bitch, night old man." Freddy says, ascending back up to his room. You hear Hannibal clear his throat as he brings up his plate to the sink. "Thank you for the wonderful meal, dear, have a nice night." Hannibal says, causing you to nod. "You too Dr. Lector." You say and he goes back upstairs with a smile, leaving you there to look at the empty spot near the other end of the table. The steam is missing, and the area seems a lot darker than where your sitting, it almost gives an uncanny vibe as you stare at it. You brush off the feeling and stand up, walking upstairs to your own room.

A/N: I know I haven't been on much, life's a bitch, especially unmedicated. Also, I know Freddy isn't usually nice but LET ME LIVE. at least he's not calling the MC Kitten so be lucky you have this. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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