Meet The Cellmates

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Your heart beated a million miles per hour and your eyes fixated on all of them, a few were tall and quiet, others were disfigured, and some of them were just normal people like you who went into a blood lust. "Please state your name as we go down the line," Dr Smiles said, still keeping up with his name and smiling, probably an uncomfortable amount. They all stood in a terrifying manner, you didn't belong here, or at least that's what you felt, you should be in with all the other people who is on the ground coloring with crayons and having meetings every Monday or something, not with a bunch of murderers, which is a bit hypocritical coming from a murderer themselves.

"Oh right, Mikey and Jason here can't talk," Dr Smiles says to which the tall figure in the blue jumpsuit huffs angrily through his mask quite loudly. "Sorry, his name is Michael, not Mikey, but I like to call him Mikey sometimes," You could have sworn his smile got bigger, if that was even possible. "Nice to meet you both," you say, Michael just looks at you while Jason responds with a hand out waiting for a handshake that you reluctantly accept.

"The names Freddy Krueger, ring a bell?" The burnt man says very confidently. "Aren't you from that one 2010 movie?" You ask, trying to get an actual answer. "Oh God, never compair me to him ever agian," Freddy says, sounding a bit angry. "Jeez, sorry, I  just wanted to know," you say, slightly hurt.

"Billy and Stu," the tall boy out of the two of them says, smiling goofy like. "We were the original ghostfaces," the shorter one said. "Who is who may I ask?" You say. "I'm Billy, and that's Stu," the shorter one says. "Ohhhh okay," You say and realise you sound so fine with the current situation which was ironic due to the fact you're not only a couple inches away from bloodthirsty killers, but you would have to spend time with them.

"Hannibal, and the one next to me is Bubba, it's very nice to meet you," a rather old yet comforting man says, holding out a hand in which you also reluctantly accepted. "It is very nice to meet you too," you say and give a slight wave to Bubba, to which he responds with a wave himself.

"And I'm Charles, or you can just call me Chucky, if its easier for you of course," you look around to find the source of the voice before looking down and seeing a tine doll with stitching all over it. "Oh hi, didn't see you there, sorry," you say before giving a slight wave, which slightly annoyed him.

"Usually, we dont do these introduction things, but I just wanted to see how it would play out. Now I see it won't go so good if three people can't talk, so we'll skip that for the others. Well, it's time for lunch! Come on, everyone," Dr Smiles said, leading everyone, but as you walked, you replayed in your head what he said, and you were not excited for "the others.

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