BTLO5Y: The Unheard Chapter! ▶

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Love is a force beyond all control, a fire that can neither be ignited nor extinguished at will
~Mirza Gaalib🌹

The court room echoes with the noise of people, who were stunned to know the truth Anika just announced. She admits that she and Shivaay are in a relationship, they love each other, does that mean the defense lawyer was right? It was Oberois who are behind this, the thoughts came to a halt when the Judge banged the hammer on the wooden plate.

Order! Order! Silence in the court please

M: That's great, please tell the court when you both got into a relationship?

A: It's been three years, last Thursday

Maya nodded and went to her desk, she picked up some papers and came back to Anika

M: If I am not wrong, you guys met because of the murder case of a girl named Payal, right?

A: Absolutely

Maya gave the papers to the typist to hand it over to Judge and said

M: Your honor, these are the papers of the same case, in this case the culprit was none other than Shivaay Singh Oberoi's sister Ms Priyanka Singh Oberoi, ACP Anika did you guys come together after this case?

A: No, it was much before the case got closed

M: Great, it prove that if Mr Oberoi wished he would have asked ACP Anika to save his sister, but no they did what was right, other set of papers which I gave to you is the track record of Shivaay Singh Oberoi's company, it clearly states that he doesn't need any one to run or support his business, now

Maya came up with some more paper and handed it over to judge

M: This is the call records of Mr Oberoi and ACP Anika, the duration at which this whole incident occurred means Meenakshi getting hired by ACP, her murder, all this time Mr Oberoi was out of India and see the number of times they have made call to each other, once in a week, my question to my dear friend is how they catch up with the planning? Does the defense lawyer have any proof? Any chats, any records?

She turned to see Veeranshu while he rolled his eyes, she smirked and turned back

M: My lord, it's just a theory to put the blame on a person who has no clue about the incident

Ting ting ting

The clock strikes the closing time of the court, all stood on their places

J: All the proofs assembled today indicated no traces of Oberoi in this case, the court will assemble on the next hearing date till then, Kuldeep Thapar and Abhay Thapar will be in police custody, the court is adjourned.

All bow in front of him, Anika came down from the witness box, Maya held her hand and said

M: You did the right thing, go and have a word with him

The lawyer goes to their law chambers, Anika looked for Randeep but did find him, she got worried and went towards the lawyer's room followed by Maya. They entered the room and found Randeep, holding Veeranshu's collar, both shouting their lungs out. Anika hurriedly went near them to separate them

A: Deep leave him what are you doing?

D:(roared) How dare he talk to you like that?

V:(roared) I have the right to talk like this

D: No, you don't, do you understand you don't

M: Randeep, the case is in our hands you are making things worse for Anika and me

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