Chapter 25: Break in

Start from the beginning

“Dude, that’s awesome!” Kirishima said, the sudden loud noise making Kouda jump, “oops, sorry Kouda. But dude, being inspired to follow in your brothers footsteps is so manly!”

“Thank you?” Iida said.

Kirishima beamed.

Home room ended and they had the rest of their morning lessons. Before long it was lunch. Yayorozu came up to him and asked if they could eat together. They sat down at an empty table and she pulled out a notebook marked ‘Class Rep Business’. Todoroki was sat a couple of chairs down from them. Before she could start talking, two people approached the table. One was a girl with orange hair pulled into a ponytail. The other was a shorter, stockier boy with short pale blue hair.

“Excuse me, are you Yaoyorozu from class A?” the girl asked.

“I am.”

The girl sighed in relief.

“Thank god. That would have been awkward if I was wrong,” she held out her hand, “I’m Kendo, class rep for 1B. This is Shoda, the vice rep.”

She and Yaoyorozu shook hands, and she introduced herself and Izuku to the others.

“We’ve got that rep meeting after school today. Do you mind if we sit with you so we can talk about it?” Kendo asked.

“Not at all,” Yaoyorozu said.

The two sat down.

“I heard that the rep meeting is for all years, all courses. That’s gonna be quite interesting for us since we’re the newbies,” Kendo said.

“I’m sure we’ll all do fine. Our upperclassmen will help us, and this is so the principal can give us more specific instructions on changes to the school and any policies that we need to be careful of,” Yaoyorozu said, “or at least that’s what it was like at my middle school.”

“My middle school didn’t do anything like that, so I’m going into this blind,” Kendo said.

“I heard that the principal can be really sadistic and likes to torment everyone. Hopefully that’s just a rumour,” Shoda said.

Izuku really had to suppress a snort because that rumour was both true and false at the same time. Nezu did like to mess with people, but he also knew exactly how far to go and how that line changed with the person and the time. It was quite amusing listening to his stories of the pranks he’d pulled on his staff, and even the one time when a teacher had pranked him back in a harmless way. It had led to an all out prank war between them that only stopped when the teacher yielded. Nezu had been sad because he had just commissioned a fully functioning training room of ‘death’ he wanted to try out.

“I’m sure Principal Nezu wouldn’t do that,” Yaoyorozu tried assuring them.

“Either way,” Izuku said, “it’ll probably be reasonable stuff. I don’t imagine Nezu wanting us to be dictators in our classes.”

“Hopefully. There’s a few people in my class I really want to punch and it’s only been two weeks,” Kendo grimaced.

Yaoyorozu did the same, and Izuku knew exactly who she was thinking of.

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