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It was around midday when the group had arrived within the main city of Columbia.

"Home sweet home." Vigna let out a sigh of happiness as she looked up towards the concrete jungle that stood in front of them.

"Right. You did say you lived here before." Yuki said as he walked out from the car with a yawn.

"Vigna, Yuki. You've been here before, right?"

"Yeah?" They both replied. "I thought we established this."

Utage's eyes lit up once hearing this. "Ohh, you gotta tell me some of the great spots around the city."

"Uhmm...Oh, I've got a place." Vigna said as she dragged the group down the streets.

{ - Adventures Across Terra - }

"Oh, this place?" Yuki said uninterestedly as he looked up at the ice cream shop that they all stood in front of. He seemed to have his attention elsewhere.

"Whaaat?" Vigna had a dumbfounded face as she looked at Yuki's uninterested expression before getting right up into his face. "You can't tell me that this place isn't the greatest shop in existence."

"I never said that." He shrugged.

"But your face did."

"My face has nothing to do with this."

"Your face-"

Frostleaf who was watching this from the sidelines and got in between the two. "Quit arguing. Let's go inside."

As they got into the ice cream shop, they felt a cool wave of ice cream scent rushed past their faces.

"Ahh, this brings back me back to the days." Vigna eagerly rushed over to the counter as she looked over at the selection of ice cream.

"Hello there, what can I get you?" The cashier said.

"Oh can I get a Caramel Cone." Vigna replied.

"Chocolate." Frostleaf stated.

"Cookies and cream for me." Utage said with a sparkle in here eye.

"Mint Choc chip." Yuki requested.

"Mint choc chip?" Utage grimaced. "Why do you like that? It tastes like toothpaste. Eugh."

"What kind of mild ass toothpaste are you having." Yuki retorted defensively. "Hey you know maybe your toothpaste just tastes good."

"No it does not. What are you even on about."

"Jeez Coral, are you trying to argue with all of us." Vigna returned with all of the ice cream in hand.

"No. You all just have bad opinions." He retorted.

"Yeah right." Utage crossed her arms.

Yuki slumped down into his chair as he let out an exasperated sigh. "Just eat your ice cream Woman."

{ - Adventures Across Terra - }

They all walked out from the ice cream store with satisfied expressions.

"Hate to admit it...Mint choc chip isn't that bad." Utage sighed.

"Told you so."

"Yeah yeah you told me." She waved Yuki off.

Frostleaf tapped Vigna's shoulder. "Vigna. Do you have any more places for us to go to?"

"Umm...Hmm." Vigna placed tapped her chin as she pondered on that thought for a few moments. "Yeah. I've got a place."

A Journey Across Terraजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें