Chapter 22: Friends

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“Bakugo, using force like that, indoors, is a very poor decision whether you’re a hero, or a villain. Do something like that again and your team will automatically lose this trial!”

“That’s not the point. At minimum, he should be pulled from this exercise for that stunt,” Izuku said.

“Mikumo, need I remind you that I am the teacher here. My decision is final,” Toshinori said tersely.

Kirishima had been pushed back by the blast but he was still on his feet. He couldn’t quite make out the structure from this distance, but he Saw that Kirishima was teetering at the edge of a large hole. Bakugo took off his gauntlets, his form a bright mixture of guilt and slowly receding panic. Kirishima shakily stepped away from the edge and slumped against the wall.

Neither of them got the chance to do more because suddenly Toshinori shouted.

“Uraraka has captured the bomb! Hero team wins!”

In the chaos of Bakugo’s attack, Izuku had completely ignored the other two. By the looks of it, Uraraka had managed to touch Iida, since he was floating and moving about weirdly. Whatever peace had been established below them was shattered. Bakugo stormed off in anger, and Kirishima followed after him, happiness and relief in his form.

Quite a few people hurried over when they arrived back in the control room, whether it was to congratulate them or fuss over their condition. Izuku was in the latter group. He beelined straight for Kirishima. The boys hero costume being shirtless showed off his muscles, but it also meant he couldn’t hide the small burns on his forearms and side.

“You did really well Kirishima. It was really scary to watch!” Kaminari said.

“Yeah, are you alright? Do you need to go see Recovery Girl?” Ashido asked.

“It was a little scary, but I’m alright,” Kirishima said, his smile not quite beaming.

Unfortunately, nobody believed him.

“Kirishima, I must insist that you go to Recovery Girl!” Iida said.

Izuku ignored them all. Green ribbons wrapped around his arms and he reached and took one of Kirishima’s. The magic flowed into his skin. The burn was minor, barely first degree which was a testament to the boys quirk, but Izuku was determined. He’d had plenty of burns before, and they sucked immensely. Kirishima didn’t resist as he finished with one arm and then moved onto the second.

When Izuku finished, he lifted up Kirishima’s right arm to heal his side. This burn was a little worse but still minor. He couldn’t help checking everywhere else he could see, just in case. He needed to make sure, he needed to know, his friend needed to be alright!

Two strong hands held onto his wrists, bringing his hurried inspection to a halt. Kirishima held onto him, directing a small, genuine smile at him.

“Mikumo, I’m ok now. You can stop.”

Izuku took a deep breath in, because he couldn’t deny it now. He could count on one hand the number of people he cared about and still have fingers to spare, and now, undeniably, Kirishima was on that list. He was his first friend since Bakugo, and he did not want to lose him like he’d lost Kacchan.

But Kirishima was still here. A little banged up from a fight, but still here and Izuku healed him. As much as some of the fear from facing Bakugo’s blast was still present, it was slowly ebbing away. He was fine. Izuku’s head dropped.


Kirishima gave his wrists a last light squeeze and then let them go. Izuku stepped back and let others fuss over him. Bakugo was standing to one side and Toshinori was floundering. He eventually got everyone’s attention with a pointed cough.

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