20 | One Step at a Time

Start from the beginning

I clear my throat and act like I'm stretching my hand. "Stretching," I tell her, rotating my wrist left and right before pulling my hand back. "Come here, beta," my mother calls Amaira, and they both sit in front of me at the other end of the bed.

Amaira sits beside my mother, looking calm, but her eyes still reflect the moment we shared. I shuffle a bit, feeling embarrassed and drawn to her. 

"How are you feeling, Aryan?" My mother asks me, I clear my throat before answering, "Good, ma." I answer her with a shaky smile, trying to push aside the lingering thoughts of Amaira's closeness. She nods, her eyes scanning my face for any signs of discomfort.

"So, Amaira, how was your day?" Mom turns to her, trying to start a conversation. Amaira answers politely, telling about her day at work and her visit to the temple.

As they chat, I can't help but glance at Amaira, admiring her gentle manner and the warmth in her smile. It's rare to see her so relaxed around others, and it makes me happy to see her bonding with my mom. They're becoming more comfortable with each other, which is nice amidst all that's happened lately.

"So, how long does your college contract last?" Mom asks Amaira. "Till March," she replies, looking a bit serious. "Don't you like being a teacher?" Mom asks, with a chuckle. "It's a tough job, dealing with students and their attendance issues," Amaira explains, sounding a bit worried.

Mom advises her about handling students. "I know handling college students can be a tough job." My mom starts to which Amaira lets out a tortured groan making us chuckle, "But you will get used to it." She finishes patting her hand to which Amaira nods reluctantly before getting up.

"I'll go get you dinner," Mom says, getting up. I check the time, surprised it's only 8. "Mom, it's too early," I protest, earning a glare. "Eating early is good for you, Aryan," Mom insists before leaving the room. At the same time, Amaira yawns and looks away when she catches me looking at her.

"I'm not really sleepy, it's just stuffy in here," Amaira explains, looking back at me. I glance at the balcony before returning my gaze to her. 

As she tries to explain, her eyes dart around nervously. I can't help but smile at her sheepishness. 

"How many nights did you go without sleep this week?" I ask gently, motioning for Amaira to come closer. She walks around the bedpost and settles in front of me. "I didn't skip sleep," she says, her eyes avoiding mine. "Aira," I say softly, prompting her to meet my gaze.

Reluctantly, she confesses, "Three nights," her fingers fidgeting with the rings on her hands. I grasp her hand, urging her to look at me. "Please, take care of yourself. If not for you, at least for me, please. Don't neglect your health." I plead, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

"I've been trying, but lately, it's been overwhelming. My mind feels crowded with thoughts and worries. I'm exhausted, but still, I am not getting a wink of sleep," she explains. I tighten my grip on her hand, feeling a surge of concern. "Come here," I invite her, shifting to one side of the bed to make room. She hesitates for a moment before accepting, settling beside me.

I slide further to the side, offering her my lap as a makeshift pillow. She looks hesitant, insisting, "I'll be fine, Aryan. I can tough it out for a couple more hours, then I'll go home and crash." I gently persuade her, "I don't want you falling asleep while driving. Just take a short nap, and then you can head home. The traffic will probably have eased up by then." After a brief moment of consideration, she relents and lies down on my lap.

Adjusting herself into a comfortable position, she curls up slightly, facing the door. "Would you like me to take out the hairpin?" I offer, noticing the clasp in her hair. She nods silently, removing it and letting it fall beside me. As she settles in, I begin to stroke her arm soothingly, and within minutes, she drifts off to sleep.

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