Album Release

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"Well, can anyone guess once the album releases?"

Regulus honestly didn't care about the finite details, that the release of the album would earn them money, pocket money as Elias put it, with Slughorn placing Adrian in charge of the account he'd set up for Regulus given Adrian's status as family and Regulus apathy towards that part of the band.

"Well, you come from money," Elias said. "So, is it any wonder you're not worried about that."

"He may have to worry if he's discovered and disowned like his brother, though," Oscar said. "Makes me second guess this whole thing."

"If that were to happen," Adrian said, "I'll take the blame and care for him. Certainly, Aunt Lucretia and Uncle Ignatius would have my backside if I didn't." His mouth twisted.

"Yeah, but this?" Elias said. "Isn't going to be enough to live on, Adrian."

"Funny enough, this isn't the only project Slughorn's put Regulus forth for," Adrian said. "One of which includes doing work for my brothers Gideon and Fabian on their projects. I just wish..." He took a deep breath. "I wish this were enough."

"Huh?" Oscar said.

"I told you both about this summer. What are some of the things Regulus said to me?"

"Oh. That," Regulus' head shot up. "That didn't bother either of you? It bothered Adrian."

"It bothered Adrian?" Oscar asked.

"The fact it didn't bother you," Elias said. "Worries me, Oscar."

"I mean, we've kind of known Regulus is a bit eccentric, so it makes sense he would actually have some kind of eccentric belief system like that. Slughorn had to have known, right?"

"He knows," Regulus said. "We've discussed it, him, me and Lily."

"Lily Evans?" Adrian's head shot up. "She knows about all that crazy and hasn't told your brother?"

"Why? My crazy, as you call it, isn't something Sirius wants to listen to."

"If I were to say I'm worried about anything," Oscar said as they sat in the room, munching on snacks, unsure of what to do after the first album. "It's people taking advantage of you, Regulus."

"Huh? Why?"

"Yeah. The fact Slughorn so easily got you involved in so many projects," Adrian said, still looking at the bank statements. He took a deep breath. "But, if there's one thing to be said about Slughorn, he knows how to take care of his students."


"Failsafe," Adrian held up the bank account.

Regulus shrugged his shoulders. Elias sighed. "You don't know what Adrian meant by that, do you?"


"But, I think I know what Adrian wants to get at, so I'll get to the point," Oscar said. "The question we've been wondering since he did drop that bomb this summer? Are you going to join up with the Death Eaters?"

Regulus stopped midsnack, frowning, then set it down. "Do I have a choice?"

"Don't you?" Elias said. "Failsafe?"

Adrian frowned, closing the statements and setting them aside, the color drained from his face, saying nothing. Regulus tilted his head. "Addy?"

"You don't, do you?"

"I don't see how I do," Regulus said, picking up the snack again.

Elias frowned. "What are you talking about? You'll be on the opposite..."

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