Bonus Content - Music to the Ears (Original Chapter Five)

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"You poor thing" wasn't exactly what he wanted to hear when he relayed his story to his Aunt Lucretia, preferring to listen to her say how out of line Sirius was for arguing with their mother in the first place. "I'll go make you some tea, but stay here as long as it takes for things to cool down."

"Not as if I have anywhere else to go," Regulus muttered, flopping onto her couch, not worrying about taking off his boots as he would at home, his eyes closing as he let out a deep breath, relieved to be away from all the yelling, hoping Walburga wouldn't lay into him for taking off as well, mainly, now that he thought of it through the pounding headache, she likely had some fancy dinner planned as she always did when her two boys got back. He groaned. "She's going to be pissed that I left."

"Not if I can help it," Lucretia said.

"Sit up and drink the tea your aunt's brought you, Regulus. It should help with that headache. We know it is the real reason you're here," Ignatius said. "And Walburga really should have more consideration for both her children rather than focusing so much on the one."

Regulus sat up, waving his hand. "No, no. It's fine. Sirius is the heir. She's got to make sure she's in line." He took the cup of tea and took a sip, letting out a sigh as the tea started instantly to do its work of numbing the headache that started because his mother and brother got into it again. "I can't believe he actually told her that he might have purposefully flunked all his O.W.L.s."

"Sadly, I can," Ignatius said. "Nor would I put it past that boy just to piss her off. He seems to enjoy it."

"Enjoy it?" Regulus' eyes opened. "Enjoy what?"

"Arguing with your mother."

"Why did she have to take after her side of the family?" Aunt Lucretia said.

"Don't," Regulus gasped out. "He already hears he needs to be more like me as it is, but I know you were about to mention that I'm more like Papa's side of the family, your side, weren't you?"

"When did you get so wise?" Ignatius said.

"Our Regulus has always been so wise," Lucretia said. "Which, in turn, might be the problem?"

"The problem?" Regulus tilted his head, curious. "How?"

"You set the bar rather high on what she should expect on certain things."

"But in others, I fail miserably," Regulus said.


Regulus took a deep breath. "I know she doesn't want us to have friends."

"Now, where did you get that idea?"

Regulus' eyes blinked, then he said. "Honestly, do you think there's anybody at school she'd approve of?"

"Regulus. I'm sorry," Lucretia said. "I didn't know that was an issue. I mean, I thought..."

"Never mind. I've got an idea to handle that matter," Ignatius said as an owl tapped on the window. "Ah. It looks like your father's sent an owl letting us know you were coming; thus, Walburga can't get upset as Orion obviously approved you are coming, but I think he'll handle her on that end of things."

"Yes, there is that," Lucretia said, sitting beside Regulus. "You're certainly someone whose words hold more meaning than most."

Regulus frowned.

"True," another voice piped up.

"Oh dear," Lucretia said as Ignatius opened a letter, frowning. "Looks like you want to say your piece on the matter, Phineas?"

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