Bonus Content - The Banshee (Original Chapter Four)

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"What are you doing?"

"Nothing," Regulus said in response to Evan's question.

"Well, I hope you're not studying more, as we've finished our end-of-the-term exams," his cousin said.

"We're taking our O.W.L.s next year," Regulus responded.

"Just stop with the studying, Regulus," Evan said. "For once?"

"It's not, but thank you," Regulus said.

"And you don't want to share?"

"It's," Regulus frowned. "Private?"

"Does it..." Evan said, and then his cousin shook his head, carrying his things into his trunk. "No. I won't ask. Whatever Sirius did this last time, I know it upset you, but I won't ask. Barty might, but..."

"You're upset about that?" Regulus asked, finally looking up. He glanced at his trunk. "And before you asked, I've already packed my trunk and double-checked everything more than once."

"Likely a dozen times, knowing you, just as I always leave packing for the very end," Evan said. "I'm not..." Sitting on the edge of his bed, his cousin took a deep breath. "It's not about me being upset, but you being upset. I don't like Sirius upsetting you like that."

Regulus swallowed. "Likely, he is going to be in for it when we get home, that's for sure."

"And Aunt Walburga? She will be screaming at him, and he will be screaming back at her?"

"Likely," Regulus said.

"Says my cousin, who doesn't like loud noises, acting as if that's not a big deal," Evan said.

"I'll stay busy," Regulus said, then paused, looking at Evan. "If it helps, I'd say something about the matter if it weren't for me not wanting to drag an innocent business into it."

"Snape isn't an innocent, Regulus."

"No, but..." Regulus sighed, closing the notebook he had attempted to write more lyrics in, slipping it under his arms, and turning in his chair. "It's someone else, someone, Sirius ended up hurting, but if what happened got out, it would really hurt that person."

"Ah," Evan said, holding up his hands. "You need to say no more."

"I don't?"

"You couldn't hurt a fly, which is why I need to do it for you," Evan said. One of his eyebrows shot up. "Nobody from our house is giving you a hard time again."

"No. The threat of my cousin jinxing them works quite well, thank you," Regulus said. He let out a deep breath. "We'd best be going, lest we..."

"We won't miss the train, Regulus. I'm sure the teacher double-checked to ensure all the students were on the train."

"That would explain why Sirius has never tried staying here, as he has never had permission from maman to stay at school for the holidays."

"That brother of yours," Evan sighed. "Good luck with him this summer, Regulus."

"Yes. I'll need it," Regulus said, pulling his trunk from the room, Evan following him. Barty joined them, saying various things Regulus paid no attention to, but riding on the train, lyrics involving the ride ended up jotted down, only for him to snap the book shut when Barty tried looking at them. "No, Barty."

"No, Barty. Bad Barty," Evan said, laughing. "You know not to look at Regulus' notes. He hates people looking over his shoulder."

Regulus tilted his head. "It was a bit different with Adrian, kind of like how things used to be between Sirius and me before I started hiding what I wrote from him so he wouldn't tease me about my thoughts." He let out a sigh, looking at the notebook. "Best hide this as well, although he'd die of amusement if he found out I was doing Muggle-like music with others. Might even tattle to maman, given he's always wanted something to get me into trouble."

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