"Alice what is it, you are scaring us bambina" Noah says 

I smile at him "It's nothing" I say  

"Alice it is no nothing tell us what it was" Alex says 

"It was, it was just a small prank" I say and nod my head and yawn 

"I am sleepy now let me just have a bath and go to sleep" I say and leave them. 

Reaching my room I lock the door and get into the shower, flashes of the things I have gone through playing in front of me.

I try to get rid of those awful memories, removing my clothes I scrub my skin and get out of the shower and change into a hoodie and pajamas.

I go to lie down but there is knock halting my steps "Give me a minute" 

I go to the washroom and wash my face trying to remove any proof of my distress and go to open the door. 

"I was having a shower " I say to Ace

"Are you ok Magnolia?" he asks making me emotional I clear my throat softly 

"Yes I am fine Ace" I say and fake a yawn 

"Can I go to sleep if you don't mind I am really sleepy" I say and he nods 

" I will join you wait for me" He says and leaves 

What do I do now?

I go to the window and open it and look into the sky.

"Magnolia come let's sleep it's getting late and you are tired and sleepy" Ace says shutting the door. 

"ok" I say and lie down beside him turning the other side

"princessa are you asleep?" he asks after a minute 

"No Ace" I reply

"Can I ask you what happened in the kitchen a while ago?" Ace asks

Tears cloud my vision, I close my eyes trying my best not to cry

"It was nothing Ace as I said it was a bad prank" I lie 

"If you don't say it we can't help you princess" he says 

"I- " I don't want to trouble anyone anymore "I don't want to say anything ACE" I say

"ok fine forget it let's sleep" he says and sighs loudly 

"Mag-" Ace starts but I cut him off

"Ace I want to sleep now" I say and he adjusts himself to sleep

After half an hour I let go of the tears. 

I don't know what to do, but I know one thing no matter what I am not going back to that place even if it means to die I won't go. 

But I also will not be able to protect myself or my people from that man. 

Thinking for a solution I fall asleep.

*next morning*

I get up and do my morning routine and head to the dining area. 

"Good morning" I say to my brothers present in the room, apparently all my brothers are here in the morning before me with my dad. 

They greet me back, I sit between Alex and Arthur as always 

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