Chapter-1 : Rose

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Time : 03:00 pm

"Bella's Artsy Cottage", So-hee reads the name written on the board.
- I'm tired of looking for a job. It's my last hope. Life is very tough here. Let me note the owner's phone number and mail address.

" Natalia Madeline Bella, 09856743,"

Time : 07:00pm

Hi! It's me Bella. Huh! I am so frustrated. It's so difficult to manage a shop alone. I really need a helping hand. Christmas is coming. There will be more customers. It will be super hard for me to handle. God, please help me.

I have just organised everything properly in the shop. I had a good selling day today. Now, I am getting ready to go home. Christmas is almost here. So you obviously know that it’s snowing here. So much cold!!

Time : 7:45 pm

Yeah, I am home. I don’t live so far from my art shop. You must be thinking about Jeremy, right? We moved to NYC!! Isn't it great? I always wanted to come here. Now I am a legal resident here. Haha. And about Jeremy? He is.....
"Beep beep". Oh I have a phone call. Let me pick it up first.

- Hello!
- Hello! Is it Natalia Madeline Bella?
- Yeah, speaking.
- Good evening, ma'am. I am Park So-hee. I have seen a poster of your art shop. You want to hire staffs?
- (Silently) Thank you, God. Ehm... Yeah, good evening,  So-hee. Yes I want to hire staffs for my art shop. Are you interested?
- Of course, ma'am. I do want to join. Please tell me when should I come.
- Ummm... You can come tomorrow at 10:00 am. Okay?
- Okay ma'am. Thank you.
- Welcome.

Thank you so much God! I am so happy. I was looking forward to hiring a staff. That's why I gave an advertisement of hiring staffs for my art shop. Basically I want someone to help me. It's been too difficult for me to draw, to frame, to exhibit, to manage orders, to manage delivery, to clean, to organize my shop all by myself. I think I can let out a breathe of relief now. It's been only 8 months since I opened my art shop. I had a dream to set up my own art shop someday. Also had a dream that I will get a chance to exhibit those. You know, there are beautiful art exhibitions that occur in Venice and Paris every year. Also can't deny that NYC doesn’t offer great art exhibitions.  Last month I participated in the Global Artists' Art Exhibition in New York City where my art had achieved "The most unique themed art" award. I was overwhelmed.
In these 8 months, I worked so hard to establish my shop properly. Everything is going well. As it's my business, someday I get a handsome amount of money and someday I get some money that can take me to the "7-eleven" and I can eat a bowl of noodles. Uhh...
I used to live in a dorm with Jeremy when we first came to NYC. It's been 9 years since we are here. Jeremy is a meritorious student. He used to study a lot when we're in the dorm and I passed my time idly. Haha. I had a deep passion for drawing. So why not to turn my passion into my profession?  I am happy with it. Jeremy did his PhD and now he works in Fluor. He has been awarded as "The best engineer of the year" last year. It was one of the best moments of our life. As he works in Fluor so he lives in Texas. Yeah, he crosses 2,503.09 kilometers by aeroplane to meet me. We're in a long distance relationship lol. But it seems so beautiful to me. As we work the whole week and then he comes to meet me in the weekends, I wait for him at the airport. It seems so beautiful to me to wait for my loved ones. But there's something. We kept our relationship secret. No one knows that who's the girlfriend of Mackenzie Isaac Jeremy or does he really have a girlfriend. I know it sounds weird but I really don't want our private life turns into public property. Also I believe in evil eye. I may sound like a grandma but it is what it is.

Huh...we had a long convo. It's time to sleep. It's 18 December today. Christmas is coming and also my beloved Jeremy's birthday is coming in the day before Christmas. I am so excited. He will come to meet me.
Okay, goodnight.

8:00 am
Good morning world!
It's snowing outside. And so cold....I will freeze. Let me brush my teeth and take a bath.
I want to eat some waffles today. Let's make the batter. I hope my waffle maker works properly as I don’t remember when I used it last. Uhh.. It works. I made two slices of waffle as it's enough for me. Now I will pour some chocolate syrup on it and spray some whipped cream. My favourite.
I put on warm clothes and my boots. Ready to go to my shop. I locked the door of my apartment. Wait, yeah, I forgot to tell that when Jeremy went to Texas, I no longer lived in that dorm. In fact he told me to find an apartment to live and I did that. I use my scooty to go to my shop.
- Hey, be careful! You could die.
- I am so sorry. I couldn't see you properly as my glasses are blurry.
- Alright but look what you have done! My scooty's looking mirror broke. You should be careful on the road.
- Sorry, miss.

A girl suddenly came in front of my scooty. I couldn't give a horn as well. I turned right and my scooty got hit by the wall. The looking mirror on the right side broke. She should have been careful. Now I have to repair this mirror. Ugh...
Should I go to the repairing store first or should I go to my shop? Also So-hee will come at 10:00 am. It's 9:35 almost. I better go to my shop first.
Huhh....You know that books have addictive smell. But have you ever wondered that paintings also have an addictive smell? Sometimes we can't inhale that smell by our nose but we can inhale it, feel it by our heart. That's how I feel everytime I reach my art shop.

I put my bag on the table and take off my jacket. I am waiting for So-hee. I think she's from South Korea because of her name. Park So-hee...such a cute name.

[Door opens]

- Hi. Can I meet ms. Natalia?
- Yeah. Welcome to my shop. Hey!! Aren't you that girl who just came suddenly in front of my scooty?
- Yeah and you are the girl who was in the scooter. Are you Natalia Madeline Bella?
- Yes, I am. And if I am not wrong then you are So-hee, right?
- Yes ma'am, I am Park So-hee. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too. Please be seated.
- So, ms. So-hee, give your intro.
- Myself Park So-hee. I am from Gwangju, South Korea. I am graduated from the Gwangju University. I was a student of Culture and Arts there. Here is my graduation certificate.

I run my eyes over the certificate. She made a brilliant result.

- Oh, that's good to know. You are a very good student.
- Thank you. I also love to draw. Though I am not so good at art as you but I can.
- Haha, don't worry. I really needed someone to be my helping hand. At first I thought that I will not need anyone’s help but it proved me wrong. That's why I gave the advertisements for hiring someone.
- Luckily, it brought me here. Ma'am when should I start my work? Uh..I mean will you hire me as a staff??
- Of course I will. No worries. You can start your work from today, if you are okay with it.
- Sure ma'am. I will start.
- Okay, So-hee. I have a question. What made you come to NYC?
- Actually after graduating from Gwangju University, I flied to NYC for better career opportunities. I wanted to exhibit my paintings. Wanted to take part in many art festivals here. Just like you. I searched your name after I noted your contact infos. You have got so honorable awards. It made me more curious to work with you.
- Okay, but why did you choose to be my assistant where you have many opportunities?
- Uhh... After I moved to NYC. My dad usually sent me all the money and necessary items. He forbade me to do any kind of coffee shop's or convenience store's chores. That's why I didn’t do anything. But my dad was a cardiac patient and he suffered from cardiac arrest several times. About 5 months ago he left us. I couldn’t even go and say goodbye to him.
-.... So sorry to hear.
- My mom lives on Gwangju alone. Now it has been a great responsibility for me. So I needed a work.
- So-hee. Don't worry. God will do whatever is good for you. Go and wear your apron. Your work starts from today.
- Thank you so much ma'am.
- Don't call me ma'am. Call me ms. Bella, okay?
- Okay, ms. Bella.

So-hee takes an artists' apron from the shelf and wears it.
- Ms. Bella?
- Yes.
- I forgot to tell you something.
- Yeah, please tell.
- Rose.
- Rose?
- Yeah, it's my American name. Call me Rose.
- Though I loved the name So-hee more but I will call you by the name you want. Rose.

She smiles.

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