14: Oh, Darling

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Jessica looked surprised, "Oh, I- I guess I am then" She gave me kind smile, "come on in." She moved out of the way so I can enter one thing I can say about her home is that it has this nice homey feeling.

"Thank you." I said and entered.

"Are you thirsty? I have tea, juice, milk, or water." 

"Tea, please." I took my backpack off and sat on the couch. She nodded and walked to the fridge. Jessica's living room and kitchen are opened so you can sit in the living room and see what's going on in the kitchen, I think that's cool! My aunt's house doesn't have that and is smaller but I'm grateful that with what I have and that she took me in when she didn't have to.

Jessica babysat me ever since I was two years old, and she even made me a playroom for when I come over and filled it with toys each year as I grow. The toys that I grew out of she donates them to give who need them, more than I do since I'm too old to play with them.

Jessica walks to me and hands me a cute looking cup with paw print designs.

I smiled, "Thank you, Jessie."

"No problem kid, do want to watch a movie?" She asked sitting on the couch too picking up the remote.

"Sure." I shrugged, I'm not really a movie person I mean I like watching movies here and there at times but I'm the person that gets overly excited to watch a movie or a new movie that's coming, instead I might be interested, or I might be like 'I might watch it or maybe I won't' it depends on how I'm feeling. The point I'm trying to get crossed is I'm not a big movie watcher.

She turns on a movie and I unzip my backpack and take some paper and color pencils.

I'm assuming Jessica realized I wasn't paying attention to the movie because she switched off the tv and walked in another the playroom.

It's seven o clock and I'm currently sitting at the table eating dinner with Jessica. She made us chicken with rice and spinach, Jessica is a good cook and she also let me help her. I finished eating and afford to help watch the dishes.

"Thank you for dinner, Jessie. It was delicious." I said wiping my hands with a paper towel. 

She laughed, "I'm happy you enjoyed it. it's nice having company over."

A thought popped in my mind, "Have you ever considered getting married?"

"W- um well." Is she flustered by my answer? She's blushing causing me to giggle.

"You're blushing!" I teased and she gave me a playful glare, she was going to say something, but the doorbell and she walked to answer the door. I walked over to pick my backpack up and put my picture and crayons inside zipping it up and put my backpack on my back.

Jessican opened door and met with a tired Stacy, "Hi, Stacy, a warning would suffice next time." Jessica said with overly sweet smile on her face staring at my aunt.

Stacy's smiled but it didn't reach her eyes, "Yes, I'm sorry, Jessica. Thank you for still watching her." 

"Not like I had a choose." 

A part of me was sad, did she not want to watch me? But the other part was more rational my aunt literally didn't give her a choose and a few minutes ago Jessica told me it's nice to have company and I chose to listen to the rational part of my mind.

Stacy gave her an apologetic look and motioned me out the house.

Jessica turned to me and pulled me in a hug. "It was nice having you, though it did catch me off guard." She smiled down at me and I returned it. 

"Bye!" I ran past Aunt Stacy and ran to the car getting inside and putting my seatbelt on.

I take a book out of my backpack. I stared out the window watching my Stacy talk to Jessica. A frown came on my face when I saw Jessica's upset face. Stacy turned around I observed her face, and body language, she just looked drained.

Why though?

Stacy gets in the car and drives away from Jessica's house. We pulled into the driveway of the small two story house. Stacy opened the front door, "Go to bed." She said nonchalantly and I listened running up the creaky stairs to my room.

I'm in bed trying to fall asleep, I hear the bedroom door open. Footsteps made their way to my bed I feel fingers brush the brown curls about of my eyes. I didn't move I knew it was Aunt Stacy who else would it be, but she hasn't been coming in my room at night to check up on me since I was five, so this is weird.

She sighed, "Oh, Darling." I heard her whisper. 

After a while she left the room, I know because I heard the door lightly shut and it's now quiet in the room. 

Opening my eyes I glanced to the door I was right, she's left. 

"What was that about?" I asked myself.

The answer never came, I drifted off to sleep.

Little do I know my question will be answered much sooner than later.













Do you think Stacy is acting weird?




I love you and God bless you :)

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