ruhi's fury

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Ruhi was sitting in her room, getting ready when she heard a glass drop in the living room. Hearing that, she instantly started running down imagining the worst. Out of everything she expected, she did not expect to see Abhira on the floor with blood dripping all over. Abhira was on the floor with the family staring at her with various emotions that Ruhi could not depict. Disappointment, Anger and sadness were the emotions that she saw in everyone's eyes.

Ruhi felt an anger building up in her. She knew that Abhira was scolded by everyone, but they told her that Abhira had done something wrong to be scolded, but to be abused in this manner was horrible.Ruhi thought the Podder's were good people untill today. Ruhi quickly walked towards Abhira, to the shock of everyone, and picked her up while cleaning the blood split. 

Abhira was tired, she just wanted to leave the Podder house and live life with her mother. All Abhira wanted to do was finish law school and become a lawyer to fulfill her mother's last wishes. When she first entered the Podder household, she expected a grand welcome and lots of love from the members, but all she got was hate and abuse from everyone, for her poor status. So when Ruhi came to help her, she didn't feel shocked, she felt happy. Since the beginning, the 2 people who supported her in this household were Rohit and Ruhi. One of the reasons, Abhira got more hate was because Ruhi showed her more affection then anyone else, and everyone felt envious. Ruhi had trust issues and everyone triggered them while Abhira helped her through her panic attacks when Rohit wasn't there.

Ruhi was angry. This was her last straw. She was tired of everyone belittling her Akshara Maasi's daughter and judging her due to her last name, when in reality Abhira's trust fund had more money then all the Podder's earnings. Abhira was her little sister and she was ready to fight the world if it meant to help her little sister. 

Ruhi, after helping Abhira get up looked straightly at Dadisa and remarked "Well,  I guess what I heard was true, the Podder's actually don't know how to treat their daughter in laws." To which Dadisa scrunched her nose and in her usual arrogant tone, said "Ruhi, why are you helping the poor orphan girl, you two girls should be lucky to get into such a good family like us, knowing your financial backgrounds". Ruhi had enough, she was furious. Not only did she say that Abhira Sharma/Birla/ Goenka/ Singhania/ Maheshwari  and Ruhi Birla/Goenka/ Chauhan/Singhania/Maheshwari were poor, but that they were lucky to get into a family like the Podders. 

Ruhi, with an attitude retorted "Wow, so your saying that me Ruhi Birla, daughter of Neil and Aarohi Birla and granddaughter of Birla, Goenka, Chauhan, Singhania and Maheshwari clans, the richest families in udaipur, is poor when infact I make more than the whole damn Podder clan earnings in a year, in one day, and Abhira isn't some poor orphan girl. She is my cousin and daughter of Akshara Goenka and Abhinav Sharma, which means she is the heir to the Singhania, Goenka, Maheshwari and Sharma wealth.And plus she also has the Birla wealth.She comes from some of the richest families in Udaipur and  is richer than all of you for goddamn sake, and you all say she is poor. Wow, what great people"

Everyone was in disbelief. The girl that they thought was poor was actually one of the richest girls in Udaipur and was considered Royalty in Udaipur, screw it, India. Dadisa was now scared. She knew the impact the Birlas, Goenkas and Singhanias and Chauhans had on Udaipurs industries, and she also knew that she was nothing infront of Ruhi and Abhira. Ruhi was her queen and she had to bow infront of the queen and her princess. Kaveri knew that if Ruhi found out about Abhira mistreatment in the Podder household, she wouldn't hesitate suing them, and knowing her families influence Ruhi would win. She also knew that Ruhi wouldn't tolerate any bullshit from anyone as she lost her mood to care for the Podders. She only cared for her husband and Abhira and if anyone came to harm them, she would burn the world for them. Armaan was shocked because he thought Abhira was just some orphan girl, but she was actually a Udaipur Royalty. He feared for his life because he knew that if Ruhi had found out about how Abhira was actually treated, she would kill him. He only manipulated Ruhi to fall in love with him because he wanted control over her power, but he didn't realised that he was talking to Abhimanyu Birla's Rooh, Ruhi Aarohi Birla, eldest daughter of the Birla Clan and unofficial queen of Udaipur.

Ruhi gently told Abhira to get some rest before looking at the Podder's, warning "Next time you do that, I won't hestiate before using my wealth to get what I want and remember, from today If I see one person disrespecting me or Abhira, you will understand why I am known as The queen of Udaipur".

Walking off like a true queen that she was..

Note: In this story, Naira is Sirat, and she changes her name from Naira to Sirat Chauhan. Also Ruhi is the unoffical queen of Udaipur because of her family background. The Chauhans in my book are a very wealthy family, having many business settled abroad and in Udaipur. So yeah, Akshara and Aarohi are full-blooded sisters. Also Abhinav is not a taxi driver in my story, he is a businessman, based in London. Oh, also when Abhira is born Abhimanyu decides to give his surname to Abhira as well, because he is her foster father, so Abhira's full name is Abhira Sharma-Birla,but she goes by Abhira Sharma as Ruhi uses the Birla last name.  Also since Abhinav considered Aarohi as a sister, he had split all his wealth equally between Abhir, Ruhi and Abhira. Since Abhir is dead,Ruhi and Abhira have an equal amount of the Sharma wealth.

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