The truth

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Ruhi was disgusted with herself. How could she forget the teachings of her poppy and matashree, and get married to continue her love affair with Armaan? 

Her poppy and matashree would have been ashamed of her today. Ruhi knew she needed to tell the truth to Rohit instantly or else she wouldn't be able to live with herself. She knew she needed to confront Armaan, but she was waiting for the right circumstances. 

Sadly, Ruhi couldn't help, but feel hurt. Armaan had promised her many things that she craved like a home, love and all, and you cannot judge Ruhi for being naive and believing whatever Armaan said, but in Ruhi's point of view, she lost all her reasons to be happy and she saw Armaan to be her forever, so she was heartbroken when he suggested that she get married to Rohit and be Armaan's personal mistress. Ruhi may have been in love, but she would never compromise her families teaching for a man. She never would have expected that Armaan was just manipulating her for her money and titles.

Ruhi had slowly entered her room, which was decorated so beautifully. It had white and red flowers all over(all Ruhi's decisons). Ruhi was wearing a simple sari as she was tired, and was about to sleep, when suddenly her husband Rohit Podder had entered, wearing his lawyer coat and had a fatigued look on his face. Rohit dropped his bag to the ground and fell onto the bed, waiting for sleep to take over him. Ruhi took one look at her husband before sighing. 

Oh, her husband was such a child, sometimes.

She knew many things about Rohit Podder before marriage, but one thing she found out after marriage, was his need to be taken care of all the time. She had prepared his bath, before calling him to go take bath. Ruhi had a little OCD, she needed everyone clean around her. While Rohit was taking bath, Ruhi picked up her latest book, which was A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime by Monica Murphy and started reading for a bit. 

After reading a chapter for a bit, Ruhi put her book down, to see her husband shirtless. She was a little shocked and overwhelmed seeing him like that. He had 6 pack abs and she couldn't help but check out her husband, who had water droplets all over him. After checking him out, for a good 5 minutes, she mentally slapped herself before quickly helping her husband dry himself, and quickly picking out his night clothes. Ruhi knew that she had to confess her truth to him, so she told him "Rohit, I need to tell you something, and before anything, please don't judge me". To which he just looked her deep in eyes and replied in a comforting tone "Tell me sweetheart". 

Without a stop, she confessed everything from her and Armaan first meeting to the marriage plan. After she was done, Rohit just sat up from where he was laying, and was silent for 20 minutes before asking "You're not planning to continue that nonsense right?". To which Ruhi replied " Nope, I didn't want to continue that nonsense. I just wanna start our relationship from today as actual husband and wife if that is fine with you". To which Rohit just chuckled before saying "Yes princess, as long as you promise me to never keep anything from me". Ruhi blushed and said "Promise".

Rohit then did something which shocked Ruhi, he pulled her to his chest and cuddled with her. Ruhi felt at home with Rohit.

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