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Maya's POV

"FIVE MINUTES." Someone from the team shouts as I finish tying my blue boots.

We're playing Atlético Madrid today in our final game before the break for the October international window.

As I'm finishing up tying my blue boots I see a team sheet lying on the floor so I look at it quickly.

1-Cata Coll
2-Ona Batlle
5-Maya Pete
20-Nadja Kissling
3-Selma Bacha
8-Keira Walsh
23-Ingrid Engen
12-Patri Guijarro(C)
7-Salma Paralluelo
9-Lavender Lacroix
10-Lauren Hemp

Alexia, Mapi, and Aitana got red cards last match due to them trying to fuck up that Wolfsburg bitch.

If I'm honest I'm surprised all of us Barca players on the field didn't get red cards.

We tried our fucking hardest to tear that Wolfsburg cunt to shreds.

Only reason we didn't rip her apart is because both teams' security teams separated us.

Well everyone, but Lavender did.

Lavender showed the entire world what kind of woman she is by making sure Michelle was okay and saying fuck this game I'm going to the hospital with my friend so she feels safe.

"This should be in the trash." I mumble then I grab the team sheet, crumple it up and throw it in the trash.

After I throw the teem sheet away I stand up and kiss my girlfriend and hug her before we head out to the tunnel.

Once in the tunnel, I line-up in-between Ona and Lavender then I wait for us to be called out.

Minutes later we are told to head out onto the field for the prematch stuff so I follow Ona out onto the field.

Once on the field we stand in line for a few seconds then we shake hands with the Atlético Madrid players.

After we shake hands, we take a starting XI picture, I do the coin toss, then we do our team huddle.

When we finish our team huddle I wait for Lavender to situate Pongo on the sideline.

Pongo and Lavender's relationship is so cute.

After Pongo's situated, Lavender and I walk onto the field then we hug before we head to our spots on the field.

When I get to the defender's and the keepers, we do a quick huddle then we all get situated.

As I'm waiting for the whistle I see a red light fly from the crowd and land on the pitch

"The fuck?" I mumble then the red light explodes causing everyone on the field to run towards the benches.

"MAYA GET LAVA." I hear someone shout so I turn around and see Lavender staring at the spot of the explosion while Pongo is trying to pull her from her trance.

"Shit." I mumble then I sprint over to Lavender.

When I get to Lavender I stand in front of her, cup her face, and tilt her head up so we're looking at each other.

"I'm gonna pick you up okay?" I question

Lavender doesn't say anything so I release her face then I pick my soulmate up and carry her off the field.

"Who the fuck brings a flash grenade to a football match?" Emma asks as I reach the sideline. "And how the fuck did it get past security?"

"I have no clue Emma." Astrid says as I set Lavender down. "I have no clue."

- - - - -

"What Language are they speaking?" Aitana asks as she, Ingrid, Alexia, and Ona help me cook dinner for everyone.

We beat Atletico earlier today 4-0 and now we're having team dinner at Lavender and I's house.

We always try to have a team dinner before everyone splits up for international duty.

"It's the Comanche Language." I say as I listen to my soulmate and her sister talk outside on the patio.

Lavender seems to be doing okay now.

Astrid was able to sub her off before the game kicked off and I got subbed as well so we just sat in the locker room for a few minutes then we got changed and came back to the house.

Once we got home we changed into comfier clothes then I sat Lavender outside on the patio, gave her some of her pre-rolled joints, got her some beer, and let her disassociate like she told me to let her do.

Pongo laid on Lavender and did whatever it is she does to help my soulmate when she has her PTSD attacks.

I started cooking dinner while also keeping an eye on my girl.

"What's she saying?" Alexia asks.

"No clue." I say.

"Is she okay?" Ingrid asks.

"Yeah." Isabella Salazar says as she comes into the kitchen. "She's doing good."

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"We were stuck in traffic when everything went down so yeah I'm good." Isabella says. "Just sad for my friend."

"Me too." A lot of people say.

"She's right in here Lavender." I hear Daisy say then I see Daisy lead her younger sister into the kitchen.

"Maya." Lavender says with a big smile.

"Hey Lava." I say with a smile then Lavender comes over, stands behind me, wraps her arms around me.

"Maya." Lavender mumbles making me chuckle. "I can help?"

"Well you know we could use some tunes." I say as continue cooking.

"I can do that." Lavender says as I notice everyone on the team and Lavender's friends are in the kitchen now then Lavender starts singing as I keep cooking.

Some things in life are meant to fly
And others, they were born to run
You can't tie down up and leaving
Like the changing of the seasons
Good things, they come and then they go

Like a runaway southbound train
Like an Arizona desert rain
Like lightning in the sky
Like fireworks in July
Like a left field home run ball
Like a whiskey shot at last call
It's like she was made for moving on
That girl is going, going, gone

I can say it wasn't meant to be
Or maybe meant to be's misunderstood
Can't hold on to letting go
Or change the way the river flows
Loving her's like roping in the wind

Like a runaway southbound train
Like an Arizona desert rain
Like lightning in the sky
Like fireworks in July
Like a left field home run ball
Like a whiskey shot at last call
It's like she was made for moving on
That girl is going, going, gone

She ain't got one bit of stick around
There's no sense in trying to slow her down

Like a runaway southbound train
Like an Arizona desert rain
Like lightning in the sky
Like fireworks in July
Like a left field home run ball
Like a whiskey shot at last call
It's like she was made for moving on
That girl is going, going, gone

Going, going, gone
Going, going, gone

"That was beautiful Lava." I say.

"Thanks." Lavender says.

"Who's it about?" Jucinara asks.

"Me." Lavender says. "It's about me."

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