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"i want to thank all of you carats for making me, who is just a nobody/average person, into a special person."

"Shuji-ah." Almost breathless, Jeonghan called him, his voice was so sweet that it could lull Joshua into an eternal sleep.

In a flash that seemed like an eternity to Jeonghan, the younger slowly turned around facing the lazy-eyed one.

"Baby, you're special." Joshua blinked a couple of times, not understanding what the older male was referring to, Jeonghan only managed to take two steps towards him and then gently place his hands on the opposite cheeks. Looking into his eyes she reiterated:

"Hong Jisoo you are more than special."

Jeonghan was referring to his words during the concert. To tell the truth, Joshua saw himself as an ordinary person like everyone else. If you asked his self from ten years ago, he would probably be working in a clinic or being a boy hiding under the blankets in his room while watching anime. He would never imagine that he would be caught by the keen eyes of a talent scout and become an idol. But even so, having millions of fans, he saw himself as another grain of sand in the desert that constituted humanity.

For Jeonghan, Joshua was unique, like the little prince for the fox, Joshua could be just another human for him, however he named him, and gave him affection, both becoming someone special for the other.

Embarrassed Joshua scratched the back of his neck remembering the words said during the final segment of the concert.

"Jeonghanie, it's not that big of a deal, it's not like I had belittled myself." The raven-haired one denied, placing one of his hands on the chin of the younger one who was lying head down trying to find an excuse.

Their gazes collided, and Jeonghan could only gaze with devotion at those deer-like eyes. Jisoo was unique and he would be in charge of reminding his beloved of that for the rest of the days.

"Yes it is." He stated, Joshua tensed his shoulders, relaxing his body as he felt how Jeonghan's lips attacked his, trying to leave a message recorded on them.

When his lungs screamed for oxygen Jeonghan separated, Joshua still looked at him confused and that made the older die of love again.

"Shua, you are special, even if the world ends, even if they stab me with thousands of knives, I am happy because I am by your side." Jeonghan stated, his hands rested on the brunette's cheekbones again, who was hiding from the cold spring in his yellow cardigan.

"Every time you say my name I feel special again, I feel loved, I feel special, Jisoo."

They both remembered that moment where they both begged their manager to let them quit, they remembered that letter that Joshua wrote that made Jeonghan a sea of tears, they remembered their first kiss after getting their first victory, they remembered so many moments until they reached the day of today. They had gone from being nobody to someone, that was the wonderful power of humanity, power that not everyone knew how to use wisely, power that created or destroyed just like love.

"Shua-yah never say that you are not special. No matter what happens, you will always be uri Joshua, my Joshuji, the man to whom I can entrust the greatest of secrets." With each word spoken by the man with black hair and angelic features, time stopped around him.

Everything faded into the background, in that sea of people, it was just the two of them, Jeonghan and him, tears slid down their cheeks, touching up their makeup with a well-known feeling. Gratitude? Dear? Camaraderie? Love? Yes love. Motionless, unable to say anything, Joshua cried at last, releasing what he felt as his head was carried on Jeonghan's shoulder, that place where he could smile, where he could cry, where he could be a child and an adult at the same time.

His sobs were the only thing that could be heard in the locker room, his tears bounced off the pullover that Jeonghan was wearing, Joshua put his hands on the older's chest, clinging to the straps of the overall unconsciously.

Jeonghan tightened his grip on Jisoo's slim waist, humming a sweet melody.

"Jisoo, you are my home, where I can smile, where I can cry. Just as you are mine, I want to allow me to be yours more often." He whispered, Joshua nodded from his hiding place from which he emerged after at least five minutes.

With soft kisses, Jeonghan erased the salty tears from Joshua's sweet cheeks, who smiled at the tickling that the fleeting kisses caused him, while the angelic-featured male only thought about drawing constellations on both of their scars.

The sound of a camera flashing made them move away, smiling mischievously at each other, the photo session after the concert was already taking place and with it the we-live in about half an hour if they remembered correctly.

Maybe the world wasn't ready yet to hear or see whatever they had to see or hear. Maybe their relationship that would can be or not a controversy in the forums, perhaps they would have many against or in favor. Maybe they would be a nobody, but to them they will always be someone special.

"Shuji, never say that you are someone ordinary, you are my dream, my purple rose, you are my best friend, my partner in crime, you are my special someone."

Someone Special㆐JIHANWhere stories live. Discover now