"Man, that felt good," Dick said with a grin, wiping his brow with the back of his hand. "I missed this, Jay."

Jason nodded in agreement, his chest still heaving from exertion. "Yeah, me too. It's been too long since we've had a proper spar."

Ever since Batman had returned from the timestream, they hadn't had much opportunity to train together. But today, they had decided to make time for it, to reconnect as brothers.

Once they had caught their breath, they made their way over to the small infirmary set up beside the training area. Jason motioned for Dick to take a seat on one of the benches, and he fetched the first aid kit. With practiced ease, Jason began to tend to Dick's injuries. He cleaned and dressed the cuts and bruises with gentle care, his movements efficient but tender. Dick winced occasionally, but he didn't complain, trusting his younger brother's skill.

Once Jason finished, it was Dick's turn to play nurse. He returned the favor, carefully inspecting Jason's wounds and applying antiseptic ointment where needed. Jason sat quietly, his expression relaxed as he allowed his brother to work.

They shared a comfortable silence as they tended to each other, the only sounds the soft rustle of bandages and the occasional hum of the infirmary's equipment. Jason could have used magic to heal the two of them, but Dick had convinced him to do this old school- the older one feeling nostalgic about how things used to be. As they worked, memories of their childhood flooded back - late-night training sessions in the Batcave, sparring matches in the backyard, and the countless missions they had undertaken together. They had been through so much, but through it all, they had always had each other's backs.

As Dick carefully tended to Jason's wounds, a question weighed heavily on his mind, one he couldn't keep to himself any longer. "Hey, Little Wing," he began tentatively, his tone tinged with sadness, "why didn't you invite me to your wedding with Roy?"

Jason's expression softened, and he let out a sigh, understanding immediately the hurt behind Dick's question. "It wasn't intentional, Dick," he explained gently. "The wedding was kind of a spur of the moment thing. The situation presented itself and we just... decided to do it. It was the magical side of our union, you know?"

Dick nodded, though his disappointment was evident in his eyes. "I get it," he said quietly, "but it still would have been nice to be there for you."

Jason's gaze softened with remorse. "I know, and I'm sorry, Dick. I shouldn't have left you out like that. I was angry at Bruce, and I guess I took it out on you, which was wrong of me."

Dick waved away the apology with a small, understanding smile. "It's okay, Jay," he replied, his tone forgiving. "I understand why you were upset. Besides, you and Roy deserve all the happiness in the world."

Jason's shoulders relaxed with relief at Dick's understanding. He appreciated his brother's ability to forgive, even when he himself struggled with it. "Thanks, Dick," he said sincerely. "That means a lot."

Changing the subject, Dick's face lit up with curiosity. "So, are you planning on having a reception or anything for the civil part of the wedding?"

Jason grinned, the tension between them dissipating. "Yeah, definitely," he replied. "Neither Roy nor I really care much about a church wedding, but we'll be signing the papers soon. And there'll definitely be a reception for everyone to come and celebrate with us."

Dick's spirits lifted at the news, the hurt from before fading into the background. "That sounds great!" he exclaimed, his smile widening. "I can't wait to celebrate with you guys."

Once Dick had bandaged the wounds, the two of them stood up and made their way from the basement to the ground floor of Jason's home. Dick glanced around curiously, taking in the familiar surroundings. "Where are the kids?" he asked, a hint of longing in his voice. He had missed Damian, Lian, and Billy.

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