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Quick as a flash, Constantine cast Vulnera Sanentur to heal Jason's wounds. Then, he fired a freezing charm, "Glacius!" at their foe.

But she was relentless. With a sinister grin, she countered with Fiendfyre, a dark fire curse that consumed everything in its path.

Jason and Constantine knew they had to act fast. Drawing on their combined magic, they unleashed Reducto, a Blasting Curse that exploded with tremendous force. The child of Chorozone let out a demonic cry as the spells collided with her, her form engulfed in a burst of light and shadow. For a moment, the air crackled with magic as the battle reached its climax. When the dust settled, the child of Chorozone lay unconscious on the ground. Without losing momentum, they cast Fulgari, producing vicious, luminous cords to bind her arms.

Jason and Constantine exchanged solemn looks as a heavy silence settled over the abandoned building. They both understood the gravity of what they had just done. This wasn't how they had envisioned the battle ending, but circumstances had forced their hand. The binds they had conjured were only temporary, and they knew the child of Chorozone would break free soon enough. It was a grim realization, but they both knew it was the only humane course of action. Ending her life quickly and painlessly was the most merciful thing they could do.

With a heavy heart, Jason summoned his All-Blade and approached the fallen child of Chorozone. His hand trembled slightly as he raised the blade, his mind filled with conflicting emotions. As the blade descended, cutting through the air with a swift and decisive motion, a wave of sadness washed over Jason. This shouldn't have ended up like this; they could have saved her. But Batman just had to get involved and screw things up. Beside him, Constantine watched in silence, his expression grave. As the life faded from the child of Chorozone, a sense of finality settled over them both.

With a heavy sigh, Jason and Constantine dropped to their knees in exhaustion. They had fought a fierce battle—physically, magically, and emotionally—and they were weary to the bone. Despite the toll it had taken on them, they knew they had done what needed to be done. Amidst the sorrow and regret, there was also a sense of relief. They had succeeded in their mission, and no other magical child had died as a result.

Suddenly, Constantine tensed and stood up, casting a Flipendo jinx that knocked an approaching body backward. Jason raised an eyebrow when he saw the body was Batman. Constantine's jaw clenched with anger as he watched Batman rise from the ground, his eyes blazing with fury. The realization that Batman had been freed from his binds the moment the child of Chorozone died only fueled Constantine's rage further.

Jason, standing beside him, raised a skeptical eyebrow, his expression a mixture of annoyance and resignation. He knew there would be no reasoning with Batman, not now.

"So, ruining our plans and getting this poor girl killed wasn't enough for you," Constantine seethed, his voice laced with bitterness. "You had to bloody attack us now?"

Batman's glare hardened, his fists clenched at his sides. "At least I'm not a murderer!" he retorted, his voice dripping with accusation.

Jason let out a bitter laugh, the sound tinged with a hint of hysteria. "You're really a piece of work, Bats," he said, shaking his head in disbelief. "Truly one of a kind."

He took a step forward, his eyes flashing with anger as he met Batman's gaze head-on. "You tell me you're happy for me and accept me, even when I tell you I wouldn't stop killing if I thought it was needed. Yet here you go, calling me a murderer like a goddamn hypocrite."

Jason's frustration was raw and unfiltered. "You know what the worst part is?" he said, his voice trembling with anger. "She didn't have to die. We had a way to contain her, to give us time to find a solution, but you ruined it."

The Red Ghoul {The Red Good Series: Book Zero}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora