The Fight

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After I walked out of class I hear Ant yelling at me to come back. I ignore him as I make my way to the front school doors and I walk out of school. I make my way back to my house, as I get closer to home I see Chook hanging out the front of the house and I groan not wanting to face him right now. I turn back around as I make my way to the front of the school. Just as I went to put my headphones on the bell rang, signalling that it was the end of the day. I watch as Ca$h walks straight towards me, he looks at me disapprovingly.

"You just couldn't leave it could you Arabella?" Ca$h says visibly upset at me.

"You're seriously going to be mad at me? When it's your fault you brought the eshay's around!" I scoff to Ca$h in disbelief.

"It is your fault because you let him fuck you like the slut you are!" Ca$h argues back.

"I can't believe you just said that Douglas." I say dumbfounded that Ca$h had actually just called me that.

"I'm so sorry Bella I didn't mean to call you that," Ca$h panics as he tries to apologise.

"What the fuck did you just call her?" Ant says aggressively, as he walks closer to Ca$h, Spider following closely behind him looking, angry?

"Ant just leave it,I don't care," I mutter as I walk away going back home. I hear people yelling but I don't pay too much attention to is. As I get home I see Chook still waiting for me.

"I heard from a little birdie that there is a map at the school?" Chook asks as he cocks an eyebrow.

"Yeah and our names were on it! And Ca$h found out and now we're fighting! God why did I think it would be a good idea to sneak around?" I yell aggressively as I was super stressed. Chook looks shocked at how angry I was.

"Calm down, why are you and Ca$h fighting?" Chook asks confused.

"Because we are having sex! Or have all the drugs gone to your stupid eshay brain?" I shout angrily at him.

"Hey! Don't you dare fucking talk to me like that! You wanted it as much as I did!" He yells back as he starts to get into my face.

"You better back the fuck up right now Chook," I say as I start to back away.

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" He smirks.

"I'll punch you in your precious dick," I glare at him.

"If you do that you'll regret it," Chook angrily says as he storms off.

"Oh and if you didn't already realise it, WE"RE FUCKING DONE CUNT!" I scream at him as I storm into the house slamming the front door. As I storm into my room I hear Nan come in.

"What was that all about Arabella?" She says as she looks me up and down silently judging me.

"Uhhhhmmmm, Nothing?" I ask not even convincing myself.

"Arabelllaaaa, tell me the truth," She demanded.

"Um, I may or may not have been hooking up with Chook, and now me and Ca$h are fighting cause he found out" I explained awkwardly.


"I knooowwww, I didn't mean for it to happen," I tell her as I look down at my feet.

"But also, nice," She winks at me.

"Nan!" I blush.

"What? I have eyes I can tell if a guy is hot or not," She smiles at me as she hugs me.

"Me and Ca$h never fight, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do, he called me a slut nan," I frown as she looks shocked Ca$h would ever say that to me.

"I'll have a talk with him, he should never talk to his younger sister like that," She says with a small frown on her face.

"Okay, also can I please go to a party tonight?" I ask as i smile at her.

"Sure but text me if you're not going to be home," She responds hugging me.

"Thanks nan!" I exclaim as I run into my room getting changed into a form fitting white skirt with ties around my waist and a white corset top, with chunky black combat boots.

"Nan! I'm heading out! I love you!" I yell out as I rush through the door. But I come face to face with Ca$h, and his black eye.

"What the hell happened to you?" I ask baffled as he didn't have a black eye before I went home.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it," He mutters, trying to push past me.

"No Douglas Piggott who gave you a black eye?" I demand as I grab his shoulders.

"It was Spider okay!? He gave me that for calling you a slut!" He exclaims.

"Why would he do that? We hate each other," I say confused.

"Yeah well apparently he doesn't 'take too kindly to calling siblings a slut'" He rolls his eyes using his fingers to make quotation marks.  

"Well good, I don't deserve to be called that you piece of shit," I scowl at him before I shove past him.

"I know you don't! I'm really sorry, are you going to the graveyard tonight?" He questions me as he looks at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course I'm going look at my outfit," I laugh a little.

"Yeah, that would be a good guess," He laughs too.

"Oh and you don't have to worry about seeing me with Chook, I broke it off," I give him a small smile.

"You didn't have to do that Bella," He says with a small frown.

"It's fine, he's an asshole anyway, and I may or may not have threatened to punch him in the dick, and called him a cunt," I laugh with a small smirk on my face.

"Of course you did, I wouldn't expect anything less from you," He laughs as he reaches his arms out to me.

"We good?" He asks.

"Yeah, we're good. But you've gotta get new friends," I smile as I hug him.

"I know, but Chook has been there for me," He says guiltily as he looks at the ground.

"Me and Nan have been there for you as well Cashy, don't forget that," I offer him a small smile which he returns.

"I know that, and I love you Bella," He smiles at me.

"Are you going to the Cemetery?" I ask.

"Yeah, I've gotta sell," He says as he looks at the ground.

"I'll see you there than," I smile as I start making my way to the Cemetery. 

Behind Closed Doors {Anthony Vaughn - Heartbreak High}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon