Before School

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When I woke up I couldn't help but wish I could drop out of school. I still have no idea why Ca$h doesn't drop out he could if he wanted to. I think part of it is because so he can look after me at school and also cause of his stupid eshay friends. We haven't had a great childhood hence why we live with Nan, she's amazing. Like a total superstar.

I looked at the time and I saw it was 8:15. I widened my eyes as i jumped out of bed so fast I fell to the ground with a loud thump. "OWWW!" I exclaim loudly. Next thing I know I hear two sets of footsteps rushing into my room, I see Ca$h and Nan standing there looking concerned. 

"Oh my god Ellie! Are you alright?" Nan asks concerned. 

"I'm alright Nan, just fell out of bed. but while I have you both here. WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP?!" I asked as Ca$h helped me stand up. 

"You told us not to wake up up," Ca$h says as he looks at me weirdly. 

"Ohhhh thats right, I did, didn't I?" I say a bit embarrassed. 

"I've got a bowl of coco pops on the table for you and a cup of milo waiting for you, hurry up or I'm going to eat it," Nan says as she squints her eyes at me playfully. 

"I'll be out there soon nan, gimme a couple of minutes to get ready," I say as I smile at her as she returns the smile going out to the lounge room watching Telly again. 

"Just warning you Chook is coming over in a few, he's gotta drop off some stuff for, um, school?" Ca$h says cautiously, knowing I hate that he deals drugs. 

"It's fine Cashy, just make sure he doesn't come in my room," I say as Ca$h nods and walks out after giving me a small smile. 

I close the door and sigh heavily, then look at all my clothes on the floor. I quickly throw on a cropped jumper with black ripped jeans. I throw my hair up into a messy bun as i put in small gold hooped earrings. Just as I was opening my bedroom door I heard banging on the front door I roll my eyes knowing it was Chook. 

I walk into the kitchen seeing Nan, my bowl of cereal and my milo. I go and sit down in the chair next to nan as I start to eat my breakfast. Then I watch as Chook and Ca$h walk in. Chook walks straight into the kitchen before he grabs a spoon and comes back to where we all were. "What are you doing?" I ask Chook with a mouth full of coco pops. He just smirks as he digs into my bowl of cereal and grabs a big scoop before eating it. 

"Hey! That's my brekkie!" I yell as I swallow my cereal. 

"It's delicious too," he smirks at me. He goes to get another scoop but I move the bowl away. 

"Go get your own bowl, ya stupid eshay," I say and mutter the last part. But Ca$h heard me as he tries not to laugh.

"What are you both laughin' at?" Chook asks as he squints his eyes at me. Then he sneakily winks at me. I look the other way as i try to hide my blush. I finish up my coco pops and milo and I put the dishes in the sink. 

"I'm gonna go to my room for a minute," I say as I walk into my room as I walk past Chook he sneakily brushes against my hip with his hands. I smirk as i walk into my room. Then I hear 

"I'm gonna go take a shit," Chook abruptly says and i hear his footsteps come closer. He walks straight into my room, and closes the door. 

"Wow fancy seeing you here," he smirks as he grabs my hips and pulls me into him. I wrap my arms around his neck as we kiss. 

He pulls me down onto my bed but then we hear voices. "Oi Adlay hurry up," Cash yells out. Chook groans into my neck.

 "Shut up Ca$hy Boi, I'll be out in a sec!" Chook yells back as we both stand up. He looks down to my neck as he smirks. 

"Nicccee," he says before he takes a step towards my door. My eyes widen as i look in my mirror 

"WHAT THE HELL CHOOK!" i quietly yell as I see a huge hickey on my neck, luckily it could be covered by my jumper. I slap his arm as he smirks, 

"You're Welcome Belle," he says and leaves my room. I groan as I make myself presentable before i grab my school bag and stuff my books in there and a few other necessity's for school. I leave my room, with my bag half on my shoulder, I see Ca$h and Chook talking in their stupid eshay language as I roll my eyes. I walk over to nan.

"Bye nan, I'm not sure what time I'm gonna be home tonight so I'll text you what im doing," I say with a smile as I kiss her cheek. 

"DOUGLAAASSSSSS!!!!" I yell loudly as Ca$h comes running out with Chook. 

"What's wrong?!" He asks concerned. 

"Nothing I just wanted to say I'm going to school, and I didn't know if we were walking or if you were taking the car or is Chook was taking you, therefore making me walk," I say as Chook looks at something on his phone. 

"Ummm, I think Chook was taking me, Sorry Belle," Ca$h says as he looks sad. 

"All good, just wanted to know," I say with a smile as i walk up to Ca$h giving him a hug and kissing his cheek. Then i grab my keys and my headphones, while I make my way to the front door. 


"She's gonna get herself kidnapped one day," Nan says as Ca$h agrees silently. As I start walking I smile as I put my headphones on my head.

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