Just A Travel

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Chapter one

I looked outside my window, it was raining as per usual, something I have got used to ever since I moved back to the UK. Oh sorry, you probably don't know who I am.
I'm Faye Hemsey, i'm 23.. Even though my friends tell me I look younger, thank God.
I have a boyfriend Matt, been with him for 2 years, not the best boyfriend, pretty aggressive, but theres one reason but I cant seem to let go of him.
I'm 4 months pregnant.
Well anyway, I'm from London to be exact. I'm a traveler, I love to travel, meet new people, new places, new food. It truely is an amazing experience. I guess I started traveling quite young. I moved to Australia for 3 years when I was 18, then flew to New York, Paris, Italy, Jamaica, Bahamas, LA and my last stop was Vegas, and honestly my favourite place, I loved it so much that i'm flying back tomorrow, I seriously cant wait!

I packed my suitcase all ready for tomorrow and put my iphone on charge, I had a shower and hanged my clothes out for the plane ride, black skinny jeans, white all star converse and my johnny cash shirt with him giving the finger, i'm such a classy lady, oh and a baggy jumper. I put my pj's on and climbed into my bed and switched the tv on, this programme called Ghost Adventures came on, i'm not that much into the paranormal but there was seriously nothing else on so whatever. It was 2 in the morning when I finally turned my tv off, as I settled down I kept thinking how stuck up, bossy and irritating the main leader was, I think his name was Zak Bagans.

I woke up from a nightmare, must of been from watching that programme last night and to make it worse my alarm clock kept beeping like mad. It was 6:00am, I suddenly rememberd, Vegas time!

I jumped out of bed and got dressed, I curled my long blonde hair, which almost looks white and applied mascara and eyeliner around my blue eyes. I took my camera off charge and dumped it in my bag and slid my white iphone in my jeans pocket. I sprayed some Marc Jacobs 'Daisy' on and put it in my suitcase. I ran around my apartment making sure everything is turned off, I grabbed my car keys and drove to the airport.

I arrived just in time to get myself food and everything for the flight. An hour goes by and my flight is being called over the tanoy, I jumped up and walked to my gate.

I got on the plane, I sighed. My feet are killing me, hopefully I can get a good sleep. I rumaged through my bag and got my earphones out and put my music on.

I suddenly shot up from my seat, heart pounding, breathing heavily, what the fuck is going on? I had that nightmare again. I looked at my phone which was laying on my lap, I slept for the whole flight?! Oh god, someone is not going to go to sleep tonight I thought while sitting myself up straight and pulling my top to make myself a bit more comfortable.
"You okay?" I jumped at the sound of this man's voice who was sitting right next to me, I don't remember anyone next to me when I first got on here. I refused to look at him, I kept my head down "Oh um, yeah fine" I said while taking my earphones out of my ears and putting them on my lap. "I'm Zak Bagans" he said putting his hand out for me to shake, I turned my head to look at him for a few seconds, I know that face from somewhere and the name..where have I heard of that name?.. Oooh! Zak Bagans from Ghost Adventures..It suddenly hit me, oh God it's the stuck up guy. I looked at his strong hand, which held a simple silver ring, it seemed to say something but I couldn't quite catch it. "I'm Faye Hemsey, and you're from Ghost Adventures right?" I ask while I shook his hand, it was soft and warm. "Nice to meet you Faye and yeah" He smiled, I smiled.. Awkward.. I had to break the silence "So, erm, how are you on this plane?" I asked turning to look at him and thinking how fucking retarded that sounded, he laughed "Same reason as you? Going to vegas" He said rolling his eyes slightly. I looked at him, cocky fuck. I turned away and looked out my little window, we were landing, finally. "What hotel you staying in?" he asked "Rivera Hotel" I said turning my head to look at him "No way! Me too" He said smiling "But, don't you live in Vegas..Why you staying in a hotel?" I asked raising an eyebrow, "Cause' I need some time away from my home" I nodded like I understood him "Perhaps we should hang out sometime?" he asked smiling at me and writing down his number. "Oh, um sounds great.." Nice one Faye I thought while smiling back, i'm stuck with a demon hunting weirdo.

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