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November 13th

There's moments in your life that you remember for the rest of your life.  For Aurora, there were so many such as graduating college, her first big girl job, her brother's supposed death, going through rehab. Those moments built her as a person and she took everything as a lesson learned.

As she sat in her room on FaceTime with Ximena as they both stared at each other in shock, she knew this moment would be added to that list.

"Aurora Marie Jenkins, what the fuck is that?" Ximena asked, even though she knew exactly what they both just read.

Aurora held up the stick once more in the camera where they both could see two lines indicating she was pregnant. Her heart was on the floor next to her bed and had no signs of getting back inside her body. She couldn't believe she was pregnant again.

"Mena, I'm scared." she whispered, shaking her head. Her vision became blurry faster than she could count and she dropped the stick on her lap.

"Hey, Aurora. Look at me. Look." she spoke. Aurora looked at her bestfriend who wore a genuine smile on her face.

"Don't even think that way. I absolutely know how hard it is to believe me saying that but I promise you, you're going to have your baby. This is a blessing and nothing can change that. Awww, my bestfriend is gonna be a mommy." she pouted, fanning her eyes.

Aurora rolled her eyes at her friend before letting out a laugh. She was so, so grateful to have Ximena in her life right now and it made her feel truly hopeful that she wouldn't experience another miscarriage.

"What am I gonna do? How am I gonna take care of another human? I haven't even talked to my parents or Darius in two weeks. How am I gonna tell Jameer?" she began to voice her many thoughts.

"Okay, number one. Calm down. I can almost bet that you're probably only a few weeks so it's still very early. Jameer needs to know as soon as he gets home from work. I've been telling you to talk to your parents since you left here and now, you definitely need to."

"What if I tell them and it happens again? This is so crazy that this is happening right now after I talked to Angela. I can't believe this." Aurora said.

It had been two weeks since Aurora had been back home and she'd be lying if she said she didn't miss her family. Everything was going so good in her relationship, she just had her first day at her job this week, she'd been hanging with Summer more. Regardless of all of that, Aurora was a family girl. She needed her parents, she needed Darius.

"You have to make that decision. I'm behind you in anything you do and you know that. Just talk about it with Jameer." she smiled, feeling the happiness start to bubble out of her.

"My baby is having a baby. I'm gonna start crying, Ro! I'm so happy for you." Ximena pouted, fanning her face.

"You're gonna make me move back home." Aurora laughed, feeling her own eyes get misty.

"Oh, please!!! Come back tomorrow actually!" Ximena laughed.

Aurora talked to her girl for another 30 minutes before she had to go pick up Avery. Now that she was in silence, her eyes found the stick again and picked it up.

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