"Tease Me, Did You ?"

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My alarm blared at 6:00 AM, signaling the start of my daily routine. I headed to the bathroom, leaving the door unlocked as I always did, assuming I was the only one awake. After a refreshing shower, I dried off and put on my Tommy Hilfigher boxers and Nike sports bra on. Just as I was about to exit the bathroom, Nia walked in on me, her eyes scanning me from head to toe. She licked her lips, and I felt a sudden sensation coming from my clit.

Nia proceeded to the toilet, pulling down her Victoria's Secret panties and revealing a stream of pee flowing out of her. I couldn't help but feel a surge of arousal at the sight. She finished, washed her hands, and walked towards me with a sly smile. "Fuck, shit, she's close asf," I thought to myself as she pushed me against the shower door and whispered, "Good morning, sexy." as she guide her hand down my boxers making my clit pulse hard as fuck it ache.

I swallowed hard, trying hard not to let out a moan while she keeps rubbing my clit against my boxers. You can feel them getting wet with ever stroke she did with her sexy ass soft white acrylic nails.

Nia's smile grew wide as she leaned in closer, her breath tickling my ear. "what are you up to this early sexy?"

"Uh," "Mhm," i moaned softly. "I'm- i'm going on my morning run mama" i said soft as hell with broken little moans flowing out.

"Ouo fuck sexy, you just made me wet as fuck. Well imma go on run with you baby so wait up for me. Kay?" she saids while removing her hand.

"Okay, anything for you, mama," I said, a hint of aggravation creeping into my voice. Nia had a way of teasing me, and I couldn't help but feel a little frustrated - but also turned on.

Nia giggled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, I'm just getting started, baby," she whispered, her voice low and soft. "You think you're aggravated now? Just wait till we're out on that run. I've got a surprises for you."

She gave me a sly wink and left out of the bathroom, leaving me feeling both annoyed and intrigued. *Now i got to change my damn boxers what the fuck I looked down & seen creamy white wetness on my boxers."

I followed her out of the bathroom, I couldn't help but notice the way her Victoria's Secret panties hugged her curves, and the way her sports bra showed off her toned physique. It was a sexy ass

she walk into her room leaving the door open i took it as an invitation to come in i followed behind her closing the door "Sit down you can watch while i get dressed" nia said I obeyed.

As Nia got dressed, I couldn't help but drool, my eyes feasting on her curves. She looked so good in that dark red and black leggings with a matching long sleeve shirt, showin' off her fat ass, makin' my clit jump.

Nia gave me a sly smile, "Enjoying the view huh."

As we headed out the door, Nia turned to me and whispered, "And don't think i forgot about teasin' you, sexy.

I smiled hard

"Ouo you have some pretty teeth under your grillz."  "Thank you pretty." i responded back.

We headed to the trail, the sun rise casting a beam of light over the path ahead. Nia led the way, her legs strutting confidently as she navigated the winding route. I followed close behind, my eyes fixed on the sway of her hips and the bounce of her ponytail.

As we walked, the sounds of the city faded away, replaced by the rustling of leaves and the chirping of crickets. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the earthy smell of the trail.

Nia stopped suddenly, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Ready for a surprise?" she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of my own heartbeat.

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