Different Kind of Lady | Part 1

Start from the beginning

Phone calls weren't enough to erase the longing she had for her dear friend. Her everything.

She jibed, keeping things light like always, "Well... other than that big ol' head of yours, don't look like you changed much, Mikey."

"Well other than your bigger butt, you ain't either," He snorted blessing her with a goofy grin. This caused her to swat at him. He laughed running and dodging her, both of them falling on the large, dark-colored sofa in the space.

"And! I actually go by Theresa now," she said kicking off her shoes, "It's more sophisticatin' soundin'. I am a college girl now."

She watched her best friend roll his eyes, "Yeah well you gone always be my Reesie. I ain't ever called you that in my life." he retorted jokingly.

Theresa was the one to roll her eyes then, she had hoped to shed away her childhood nickname. But she knew Michael, he called everyone something silly. Reesie Girl was his special name for her, had been since they were just eleven years old.

"This place is spectacular," She breathed, looking around again at the open concept of the large Manhattan apartment, "It's a whole lot bigger on the inside too. And it's actually clean."

"Ha-ha," Michael forced sarcastically, "'Toya does a good job at all that stuff. She likes things a certain way."

"Where is she anyway? I was hoping to see her, too."

"Shopping, on some date or something. I don't know. She'll be back, though."

Theresa nodded her head, doing another once-over of the large space. She had grown up only two doors down from the family, her father being a musician in his own right, jazz. He had hated the direction music had gone back then. But who knew when they crossed over to the large estate to welcome the new neighbors that it would indeed be some of the youngest superstars out of Motown? She had grown close to the entire family, but she and Michael, their bond was different, solid.

Now, staring at her best friend as he talked a mile a minute about whatever, sitting on his sofa in his New York home, the buzzing of the city still fresh in her ears; she felt a tugging at her heartstrings again. Her silly best friend was a superstar, he always had been sure— but he was skyrocketing into an orbit unforeseen now. Doing movies, bigger tours, and moving across the country to pursue his dreams. He was growing up. They both were.

And that scared her.

"Ree-sie!" She heard him call.

"Yes? What?"

Michael fell into a fit of laughter, "I asked how school was going. Last time we talked you said you couldn't decide on a major."

"O-oh! Sorry, yeah I think I'm gonna do literature or drama. I'm still not sure. My dad wants me to pursue acting the most, get into showbiz but I don't know."

"Well you was always good at that. And you the only person that could bust a move and keep up with me." He stood then, doing a quick step causing her to laugh again. "'Sides, being here this week may help you decide!"

"Yeah, maybe." Theresa smiled, the sadness of heading home already overwhelming her. Four full days would never feel enough.

A strange sense overcame her again, angst crashing against her bones. Different this time, one that she had been trying to ignore for far too long it seemed. But she was here, with Michael, she should be feeling happy, right?

The girl stood on her feet, her toes sinking into the plush carpet beneath her. Without thinking, she embraced Michael again, melting into the hug that seemed to relieve the constant whirring of her brain.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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