Different Kind of Lady | Part 1

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Where Theresa Evans is celebrating her birthday with her best friend, an esteemed superstar, in the Big Apple. But what happens when the shimmering city glow sparks a flame between the two childhood friends they're afraid to put out?


The city was alive.

Her dark whiskey orbs watched in awe as neon signs in greens, reds, purples, and blues haloed a celestial glow over her umber-toned skin. Her warm breath created clouds against the cold glass window, a turmoil rumbling in her belly causing her anxious heart to somersault against her ribcage.

The banana-colored vehicle began to slow to a halt, turning on the wet asphalt of the Manhattan street. She let out a shaky breath, gripping her luggage bag with a new wave of angst roaring in her chest.

Sure, it was her first time in the city that never sleeps. So she could partially blame her butterflies on that excitement. But she'd grown up in a city. This new set of nerves, these were different. Expectant, like the first taste of Mama's apple pie after a special supper, or praying that the gift under a giant Christmas tree was the one you begged for.

After stuffing a few bills in the caddy's hand, her Mary-Jane heels met the wet street and she stared up at the crimson and hickory-bricked building on Sutton Street, craning her neck just enough to see the tippy top of it.

The gentle autumn wind tangled in her dark tresses, those nerves igniting as she cursed at her frozen feet to take a step inside.

But she was nervous— maybe because it was her birthday creeping around the corner. A birthday she said she would redefine her entirely. Or maybe, she thought as she stepped into the elevator of the building, it was because she was seeing the one person who understood her the most for the first time in what felt like eons.

Knocking gently on the mahogany door, she bit back a giddy smile as she shifted on her toes in anticipation.

"Who is it?" a familiar, cautious voice called on the other side.

Wide grin now, "Pizza man!" she replied deepening her vocal chords as best she could.

She could barely contain her giggles after a pregnant pause of silence, then the door swung open and a warmth filled her at the sight of the large, bright smile on his brown face. Much brighter than any celestial glow from the city.

"Get in here girl and give me a hug," He exclaims, pulling her against his slender frame, "It's so goooood to see you, Reesie." his voice sang.

She giggled against him, squeezing the man with all her might. "I almost thought I got you there, Mikey." she laughed.

"Please, Reesie!" he chuckled clicking his tongue. She watched him grab her luggage and start walking down the narrow hall. His voice called back, "You gotta do better than that!"

She beamed, feeling her nerves die down. Doing a small twirl as she absorbed the large place. It was fancy, much fancier than her dorm on campus. Hell, she'd say it was even fancier than her room back home. Her dark eyes landed on the window. She felt high in the sky in the Manhattan home, overlooking the concrete jungle of New York City, the same twinkling lights cascading all over almost like stars.

"Oh wow." She breathed.

"Well, Reesie, welcome to my home! Well-– me and 'Toya's home."

The girl turned, her breath hitching as she really looked at him.

In just a year, it seemed, he had matured greatly. His once boyish features were stiffening out into a young man. A more defined jaw, muscles had plumped out on his slender arms, and a halo of curls circled into a perfect afro. His acne was gone too, and she swore she saw slight stubble peeking above his plump lips. His dark doe eyes bore brightly into hers, maybe absorbing her too.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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