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The ride to the hospital felt like forever. A drive that only took fifteen minutes felt like an hour. My heart was racing, my palms were sweating.

I was sick to my stomach.

I was nervous.

All that Denise said to Nick when she called was that Joe was awake, and that we should come to the hospital.

A million questions swarmed my head; did he remember us? Did he know who he was? Was he even talking?

My legs felt wobbly as I hopped out of Nick's car. He was by my side in an instant, which made realize I must have looked as shaky as I felt.

When he grabbed my elbow to steady me, I flashed him an appreciative smile, "sorry." I muttered.

"Everything's going to be okay Trin." Nick assured me as we walked through the doors of the hospital.

We made our way to the room, where Kevin and Danielle were standing just outside the door. I couldn't even glanced through the window. My stomach tightened at the thought.

"Hey." Kevin said, giving us an each a quick hug, with Danielle in tow.

"Have you seen him?" Nick asked.

Kevin shook his head, "mom and dad have been with him."

Danielle squeezed my arm gently and I smiled softly at her. She had a way of making you feel better with just a smile, or the touch of an arm.

The door to Joe's room swung open, and Denise and Kevin Sr stepped out. Denise locked eyes with me and a gentle smile spread acrossed her lips, "he's asking for you."

"Me?" I questioned in surprise.

"Yes Trin, you." Kevin Sr added.

I looked up at Nick who nodded reassuringly at me. I let out a shaky breath and willed my legs to move forward. As soon as the door shut behind me I stopped. Joe's head turned in my direction, his back still against the pillows. My breath hitched in my throat at the sight of movement. I've dreamed of it, begged to see it and it was happening.

My eyes found his. They locked onto mine, the golden iris's piercing through me. At one time I wondered if I'd ever see them again. I felt tears begin to sting my own as I took a step forward gently, as if one wrong move might make him leave me again.

"Come here." His voice was raspy, deeper than usual, but was still his.

I was by his bed in an instant. I stayed still as he scanned my face, wondering what he was looking at. He reached out and I crouched down, my elbows resting on the bed beside him. His fingertips brushed along my cheek. I closed my eyes and let out a long, shaky breath.

"Still as beautiful as ever." He whispered. I let out a sob and opened my eyes. He smiled, and it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

"I was worried you had forgotten me." I rested my hand on top of his that stayed on my cheek.

"I could never forget my girl."

"Joe." I cried, leaning in and wrapping my arms around his shoulders gently, not wanting to hurt him. He slowly hugged me back as I dug my face into the crook of his neck and sobbed.

"Shh, it's okay." I felt his fingers run through the back of my hair. I felt stupid, being the one consoled but I couldn't control my emotions. I was so happy to see him again.

I back away to look at him, our arms messily tangled in each other, refusing to let go. I stared at him for a long moment, making sure he was real.

"How do you feel?" I asked him.

He sucked in a breath, "Tired. Sore."

I nodded, "do you remember what happened?" I sat on the edge of the bed, keep my hand wrapped tightly in his.

"A little bit. It's fuzzy."

"That's okay. You have plenty of time." I moved a loose curl off of his forehead like I've done many times. He smiled and closed his eyes, "I'm sorry I worried everyone."

"Oh my." I shook my head, "don't be sorry. It wasn't your fault."

He swallowed hard and winced. I grabbed a cup of water that was beside his bed and offered it to him. He sat up just a bit to take a long sip from the straw and sighed before laying his head back down.

"If I hadn't gone that morning, it wouldn't have happened." He said as I set his cup down.

"We don't need to talk about that right now." I assured him. He nodded, his eyes closing again. He was exhausted, and still a bit out of it. I didn't want to push him too far.

"You should rest." I said to him. As soon as I did, his eyes shot open, his hand reaching for mine.

"Don't go." He pleaded, which made my heart swell. I nodded and he seemed to relax a bit.

"I won't." I said.

I glanced out the hallway window and could see Nick. I knew he wanted to see his brother.

"Joe. Did you want to see Nick?" I asked.

Joe was silent for a long moment, "Nick is here?"

I nodded, "Yes. Just outside the door."

"You've talked to him?" He asked as he glanced outside of the room.

"Yes..." I started. I was unsure where to start. I didn't want to overwhelm him.

"You two are okay?" He searched my face for an answer before I could give it out loud. I bit the inside of my cheek before nodding, "Yes. He's been staying with me at my parent's house. He's... been taking it hard."

I was worried that Joe would think something bad when I told him that Nick was staying with me. But instead, I watched his eyes turn soft.

"You can bring him in."


I wanted to give them their privacy, but Joe wanted me to stay, so I did as he wished."

I peaked my head out the door, where it was just Nick, "hey, Joe wants to see you. He wants me to stay too, if that's okay."

Nick nodded, "of course."

I noticed him wipe the sweat off of his palms before following me into the room. I took the seat by the corner, not before assuring Joe I was just right there. Nick stared at him for a long moment, much like I did when I first saw him.

"Hi." Joe said to him.

"Hi." Nick replied.

Sucker For You Too |Jonas Brothers| Sucker For You Sequel Where stories live. Discover now