Chapter 9: Sports Festival

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POV Narrator

After some time training, there were just a few days left until the day of the big sports festival, almost everyone there trained and gave their souls to perform well at the festival and attract the attention of the heroes and the public, thus giving a good impression of the new generation of heroes.

On one of the days the teacher said she needed to say something important.

Aizawa: Very well class, you need to choose a class leader and a deputy class leader, do it however you want, just don't bother me.

She went to her sleeping bag, so the class began to debate about who should be the class leader and the vice leader.

Iida: We should take a vote.

Tsuyu: But isn't there a risk of everyone voting for themselves?

Iida: That's why the most trustworthy person will win the most votes.

Everyone there wrote on paper who they wanted as leader, as soon as everyone finished, the votes were counted as follows.

Izuku - 7 votes

Melissa - 6 votes

Seth - 2 votes

The rest was 1 vote or 0

Iida: Just one vote... (Thought: I should be the leader!) Look, we could...

Seth: If you talk about redoing the vote, forget it.

Iida: ...

Seth: I figured, so it's decided, Izuku will be the leader and Melissa will be the vice.

After class and everyone leaves.

Izuku: So... Momo, you and the other two aren't going to participate in the festival?

Momo: Unfortunately not...

Gaius: Why?

Luna: Because we are in the rehabilitation program, we will not be able to participate in the festival.

Gaius: Got it.

On the way they are stopped by the three idiots.

Katsuki: Hey, we have a challenge.

Gaius: And why do you think we would accept a challenge from you?

Katsuki: You can't refuse.

Luna: What would that challenge be?

Katsuki: If any of the three of us wins the festival, the three of you (talking to Kyoka, Luna, and Momo) will have to go on a date with us.

Luna: Here's what we'll do, we'll accept the challenge, but if any of these three here (speaking of Seth, Izuku and Gaius) get further than any of you, you'll have to leave us alone and clean the dorms for two months without help from anyone else.

katsuki: Challenge accepted.

They get out of there.

Momo: Boys... please slaughter these three idiots.

All three: With pleasure.

Soon Katsumi and Shoko appear.

Momo: What do you want?

Katsumi: We came to apologize, not for not having defended you two there when we needed it... we know that this is probably unforgivable, we won't keep bothering you, but we're sorry if our brothers came to bother you... seriously, these two and the Izuka looks like he never grew up.Izuku: I noticed, but, thank you anyway, who knows, maybe in the future we can start our friendship again... of course... if you deserve it.

Heroes Forged by TruthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora