Chapter 7: Explanation and rest time

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POV Narrator

After all the events at USJ the girls were taken to UA for interrogation, in the room they were in, Izuku, Seth and Gaius were present too.

Nezu: So... I would first like to know what the connection between the six of you is.

Izuku: They are our childhood friends, we don't know what happened to them after we disappeared, but...

Nezu: Wait a minute... I understand this part, I want to hear from them everything that happened.

Momo: After we thought Katsuki had killed Izuku and Seth...

Nezu: Wait a minute... WHAT?!

Luna takes out her cell phone and shows the video she had saved.

Nezu: How do you two...

Izuku: We were saved at the last minute, otherwise we would be in the coffin right now.

Nezu: Who saved you?

Gaius: It was the Astral King, he rescued us at the last minute...

Luna: Wait, if you were saved... Naoto was too?

Izuku: Naoto?

Luna: It's his brother.

Izuku: Why didn't you ever tell us you had a brother?

Gaius: He... didn't survive...

Luna: Wait, but if you were saved...

Gaius: His injuries were much bigger than mine... he couldn't stand it until he got to the doctors' room.

Luna sheds some tears.

Luna: I understand...

Nezu: I know it's sad, but we need to keep going.

Luna: Right... I had seen them and showed them what happened, so at my suggestion we 

became mercenaries...

Nezu: Have you ever killed anyone?

Jiro: We never accepted a slaughter mission, so the missions we accepted were usually missions that involved incapacitating a target or obtaining some object, our original plan was to wait for the right moment to avenge them... but... we actually lost the chance. line and...

Seth calmed Kyoka.

Nezu: Right... are you all eighteen?

All three: Yes.

Nezu: Right... you have two options, we have a villain rehabilitation program, even though you are mercenaries, you can still participate... or you will be arrested, so what do you prefer?

All three: Rehabilitation.

Nezu: Okay... one more thing, did Shoko and Katsumi do something too?

Izuku: No... they never did anything to hurt us, but they also never did anything to help...

Nezu: Right... I'm going to have a little talk with some people, go wherever you can go.

Luna: I have somewhere to stay... you can go with your families if you want and...

Gaius holds Luna by the hand.

Gaius: You're coming with us.

Luna (blushing): R-Right.

On the way to the school corridors the girls wanted to ask something.

Momo: Do ​​you... forgive us?

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