06: Villain

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A/N: Hey y'all since BNHA is longer than mw cod fic I am writing, I will be writing longer chapters with slower updates

"Listen up! The situation is this; the villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout. The heroes must try to foil their plans. To do that, the good guys either have to catch the evildoers or recover the weapon. Likewise, the bad guys succeed if they protect their payload or capture the heroes," All Might explains. "Time's limited, and we'll choose teams by drawing lots!"

"Isn't there a better why?" Iida asks his voice reverberating.

"Think about it! Pros often have to team up with heroes from other agencies on the spot, so maybe that's the reason we're seeing that here." A boy said, who you still don't know it's not like you all sat down and introduced yourselves.

"Yes I see, life is a random series of events, excuse my rudeness," Iida said.

"No sweat, Let's draw!" All Might cheers.

You step forward and pick a card, "You're team C," Denki reads out to you. Another girl calls out her squad letter and you stand by her, "I am Yoayorozu Momo," The girl introduced.

"L/n Y/n, but call me Toka." You greet back not looking in her direction.

"I declare that the first teams to fight will be! These guys!" All Might cheers and everyone else gasps. "Team A will be the heroes. Team D will be the villains! Everyone else can head to the monitoring room to watch!" I began to follow after everyone else, I was going to meditate, getting my mind into the fighting mindset.

You sat in the farthest corner from everyone and breath in and out feeling your heart slow down and the itch in your palm ease down. You close your eyes and fall into the avatar state slightly levitating off the ground.

Todoroki turned around feeling the wind blowing in the room, others turned to find the monk-looking girl floating off the ground clearly in a meditative state. Todoroki knew from the quirk assessment she was one of the more powerful students. He watched her, her movement. He watched her clearly, staring at her, and never once did she look at him, did she think she was better than him?

Todoroki wasn't the only one, everyone was looking at her, when she went she always set the target height. Everyone tried to hit her target, and only a few could. Todoroki noticed how she didn't sweat a single one of these tests, like she was asked to fold a piece of paper, that was how easy she made it look.

Todoroki knew she was like him with two quirks in a sense, hers was the opposite of his, Earth and Wind. If his father saw him surely he try to buy her from her family. Out of everyone here, Todoroki saw her as a threat.

Todoroki felt the low wind pressure coming from her, she floated up and down like it was nothing. He wondered how L/N could float there, how long until she sat back down. 

"Alright kids," All Might regain everyone's attention, "Let the battle training begin!"

"L/n," Your eyes open and you float into a standing position, as All Might call your name. "Team C will be the villains and Team H will be the heroes!" 

As you and Momo walk towards the building she asks you a question, "What did you think of Bakugou's and Midoryia's fight, it got pretty intense."


The one of many times you wished you could see. You look forward to memorizing the building layout. "I wasn't watching," you say boredly. "Let's fortify this building." 

Look at Me || bnha x Avatar! readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें