Chapter 80: Taking a Plunge

Start from the beginning

"Honest," Scourge said, his voice low and dangerous. "What. Did. You. Just. Tell. Her?"

Honest's eyes became upwards-facing carets. "The truth?"

"Did you have to be Honest just then?!" He pried the cat away from him and crossed his arms again, huffing. "Those slippers did look really cozy, and now they're gone thanks to you."

"You won't miss them. Snow put a big warm quilt on your bed earlier; I saw her do it. On the bright side, Snow won't be disturbing you anymore. You're welcome," Honest told him, smiling a giant triumphant cat smile.

"What if I wanted to be disturbed?" Scourge asked, steam coming out of his ears.

"If you want to be disturbed, let your royal advisor see to that," Honest said, placing a hand on her heart. Scourge just looked at her with hollow eyes as if he had just seen a ghost. Honest noticed this look and grinned. "All you need to do is say the word, your Highne-"

Scourge disappeared into his room and closed the door between them.

"Huh? What gives?!" Suddenly Honest had some serious deja vu.

"So, since everyone else is off playing dumb fanfiction games, how about we-"


"Hey!" the blue hedgehog yelled, pounding on the opposite side of the door. "What gives?"

Honest was not the same as Sonic. She puffed her cheeks out as a red vein ticked on her forehead.

The hallway echoed with Honest's confused shout, but Scourge was already collapsing onto the plush comfort of the bed Snow had prepared. And, by collapsing, Scourge meant landing face first on it. He immediately felt the quilt grow warm, probably absorbing the heat from his face.

What Honest had said to make Snow run away was hardly the problem. The reasoning behind it was what was causing Scourge's cheeks to have a nuclear meltdown.

"I'm always here for you, ready to serve in any capacity you see fit."

Were his powers actually having an effect on her? Was he wrong to think that because she was the Author, she was immune?

"Uh, Honest?"

Scourge opened the door to find Honest sitting there on her knees on the floor. "Yes?" she asked. She didn't sound nearly as stressed as Scourge had thought.

"C-Come in," the king stammered. Once Honest had crawled inside the room, Scourge closed the door and walked to the bed. "I want you to promise something to me." He climbed up on the bed and sat down.

Honest peered at the spot beside him. "You want me to sit beside you?"

Scourge rolled his eyes. "Yeah, come on."

"I promise that I'll take anything without complaint!" Honest exclaimed rather enthusiastically, taking a seat in front of him.

"'Take anything'? What does that mean?" When all Honest did was grin wildly at him like a Chao with a toothy grin in SA2, Scourge shook his head and moved on. "No, I want you to promise me that it's impossible for you to be influenced by my powers."

Honest tilted her head. "You're still worried about that? Why?"

"I don't want to do anything you don't want, and I can't guarantee that you want anything you say you do if there's a possibility that you could be mind-controlled!" Scourge explained, his voice growing in volume as he steadily lost faith that Honest truly understood what he was saying.

"Um, I-" Honest bit her lip and looked down at the blue quilt beneath her in deep thought. She looked up at him eventually. "Well, you see, there's no way I can Honestly say, in good faith, whether it's possible or not. I mean-"

Honesty is the Best Policy {Comic Edition}Where stories live. Discover now