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Chanelle Kayla Smith

𝒟𝒶𝓎 30 (4.5.3034)- 𝒪𝓀𝓁𝒶𝒽ℴ𝓂𝒶 𝒞𝒾𝓉𝓎

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𝒟𝒶𝓎 30 (4.5.3034)- 𝒪𝓀𝓁𝒶𝒽ℴ𝓂𝒶 𝒞𝒾𝓉𝓎

It's been a month since the apocalypse started, we're trapped somewhere in some sort of bunker I guess? It's been awful we don't have enough food and we need to leave tomorrow .
I lost my parents a few days ago , they're just gone I don't know if someone shot them or if the zombies attacked them, but I miss them I really do. At least I have my brother and my best friend and they both been supporting me since the very beginning and I'm really thankful for tha-


"What the fu-"
"We need to leave like right now!" I heard my brother shout from the other room. I packed my diary and swing my bag on my shoulder
"What was that?" I ran to my brother
"Don't know someone outside threw some bomb or something like that"
"Then why are we leaving what if the person is still there?!" I said scared
"Look Nell" My brother grab both of my shoulders with his hands
"If we don't leave right now the bunker will collapse onto us, don't you hear it? The roof is slowly falling apart"
"What if there will be zombies? They'll kill us!"
"Then we need to run" Rose appeared behind me
I signed "Okay let's go then"

We opened the entrance of the bunker and guess what was outside-

I'm gonna stop it here I totally forgot to introduce myself.
Hey! I'm Chanelle, but my family or close friends call me Nell. I have long straight brown hair and green eyes. Unusual combination right?
Then there's Kit, he's my older brother. He had brown fluffy hair and brown eyes. He loves cats, I don't know who he got it from but he absolutely adores them.
And last but not least is my best friend Rose. She has straight long really really dark brown  hair and brown eyes. She hates people mostly men. We've been best friends since kindergarten and it lasted till now.

Now about our situation , a month ago Chinese accidentally let out their experiments.


They attacked the Chinese and moved to other countries and continents too. We ended up here, Zombie Apocalypse. Sounds cool huh? Well it isn't, because every day you fight for your life. My parents were killed and I still can't move on even tho Kit moved on almost immediately, but he needs to he needs to take care of us and mostly himself.
Rose's parents left her and she doesn't know were they are so it's just us three.

Okay back to the story now.

Outside was full of zombies, we climbed out the bunker and started running "Come on!" I shouted "We need to lose them!" I shouted and turned to my friends, but suddenly..


I crashed into a human wall "What the- omg I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to" I rushed and picked up my stuff and started running again not even looking at the person I bumped into. He started running too and behind us Kai and Rose.

"Let's go! Here we'll lose them!" I shouted at them as I turned around the corner and slided into the nearest building.

"Shit" I cursed
"Everyone all right?" I asked while trying to suck in more oxygen from the running.
"Yeah I guess" Kit said
"All right Rose?" He turned to my friend
"Uh yeah" She smiled at him
They were so cute together, I think they would be a good pair but Rose won't admit it and I didn't asked Kit about his opinion yet.

I finally looked at the stranger I bumped into. Blonde fluffy hair that was slightly falling onto his forehead, deep blue eyes. He was taller than me probably 6 foot I guess. He had fit body and looked like an angel, damn he was cute.

"What's your name?" I asked him
"Atlas, Atlas Wilson. And who are you?"
He looked at us
"My name is Kit" my brother spoke. "This is Rose" He pointed at my best friend. "And this is Chanelle, well Nell is she lets you call her that" I looked at him a bit annoyed even tho I didn't mean it like that.
"Yeah I'll stick with Chanelle" He looked at me a bit weird.
"You better" I rolled my eyes.

"Okay so how did you end up here?" Rose finally spoke.
"Well I lost my mum few days ago and I started to look for a new shelter because ours was destroyed by bombs and occupied by zombies"
"Oh we're sorry, you can come with us if you want" My brother said.
"What?! No way!" I looked at them
"We don't even have enough food and water for us not to mention him!"
"I think we can handle one more person Nell" My brother smiled
"You can come with us, don't worry about her" Kit said.
"Thank you so much it means a lot to me" Atlas smiled at us.
I rolled my eyes and exchanged annoyed look with Rose.
"Let's go then" I pointed the way we needed to go.

I looked at the abandoned city as we walked through. I didn't say that right? Lots of people left the cities and ran away from the zombies so now they're like half demolished and half alive. Sometimes we find food here sometimes not.

I must say it's really weird that we live in an apocalypse. When I was little I've never ever thought I will need to go through something like this. It's teriffying.

"So Atlas tell us something about yourself, where are you from?" Kit asked.
"So I grew up in Dallas"
"Dallas? Isn't that like 180 miles away from here?" I looked at him confused.
"Yeah we moved here to Oklahoma City when I was 10 years old"
"And may I ask how old are you now?" Kai asked.
"I'm 18 and you?" Atlas said.
"I'm 19, Rose is 18 and Nell is 17" Kit said
"Now continue we're curious right girls?" He looked at us and we looked at him a bit annoyed.
"Yeah yeah, so after we moved here my dad got cancer and year after he died" Atlas went quiet
"I'm sorry about that" Kit said
"So after my dads dead me and my mum were alone and nothing much happen till the zombie apocalypse started. We needed to move out and with group of friends we went into a bunker. But like I said few days ago it was attacked and no one survived except me and I was left alone" He went quiet.

We all stared at him in shock, even Rose and that's something. How could he survive here alone without any shelter?
"How did you even managed to survive?!" I asked
"Well I guess I got lucky, I didn't met any zombies neither people you're the first people I've met since the accident"
"Oh we're glad we can help you" Kit smiled
"Yeah I'm really thankful that you helped me"

"Okay enough of the sweet words lets find a shelter for the night" I shot them annoyed look.
We walked through the city and looked for some kind of shelter but it was almost impossible because most of the buildings were destroyed.

"Hey over there, that will do, right?" Rose  pointed in front of us.
"Yeah that will do, I hope we'll be able to find some food and water there". I began to walk to the building.

We walked in.

"It looks like and shop were really lucky it's already getting dark" Rose said with hope in her voice.
"Okay lets collect as many food and water as we can and than we'll go to sleep all right? Yeah and try to find some kind of first aid kits we will need that too" I instructed them.

After we collected everything we needed it was already dark and we decided to stay in the shop.
"All right everyone okay?" Kit asked while preparing the beds for tonight.
"Yep I think everyone and everything is all right, tomorrow we need to arrive early we can't stay here for too long" I said as I layed down in my bed.
"Goodnight" Rose and Kit said.
"Night" Atlas said.
"Good night" I yawned.


Sooo how do you like the first chapter so far??? To be honest I'm a bit disappointed cus I thought it would be a bit better but it's still not that bad.
I have almost 1,5k words that's crazy!
So feel free to leave me any suggestions or minuses or pluses so I can improve! Thank you!


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