"That's what I'm here for."

"So, what you got planned for tonight? Going over Travie's..."

I narrowed my eyes at her because she knew that that was out of the question because he's always with Marco.

"Definitely not. I just don't feel like going home though, not on no Friday."

"Stay here for the night. Hell, you already here." she offered with a genuine smile on her face.

"I might just do that, so that way when you get back I can hear all about this date and how Anthony swept you off of your feet." Izzy rolled her eyes before forming a smile when the door bell ring.

"And there's the lover boy. Enjoy yourself boo." I advised her as she got up to get her purse to leave.

"I will."

I took off my shoes, turned on the tv, and got comfortable on the bed since I knew she'd be gone a while.

"Hey! You hungry?" Isaac's head poked into the room and it startled me. "Didn't mean to scare you?"

"It's cool. So, what you got to eat?" I inquired.

"Pepperoni pizza with bacon. Interested?" I hopped off of the bed and followed behind him into the kitchen.

I took in the aroma of the greasy delight and got a plate from the cabinet to place it on.

"Why are you watching me so hard?" I inquired as I noticed his eyes following my every move with his low eyes.

"I'm just trying to figure out why you here on a Friday night instead of out on the town and shit." I shrugged and bit into my pizza.

"No plans, unless you include studying and the same thing could be said about you...why are you here on a Friday night?"

"I live here." I mentally rolled my eyes at the snarky comeback.

"Good point."

"Nah, but I had a long day at work and I just want to watch movies for the night. I know it sounds lame, but I like it." he revealed.

"No, that's cool. Going out every weekend is overrated at this point."

"So are leather shirts, but that keeps happening." The fact that he said that with a straight face made me laugh a bit.

"Anyway, what movies were you planning on watching?"

"Um, the classics. Juice, Paid in Full, Belly, and I might even throw in Boys N the Hood for sentimental value."

"Never seen any of it." I added and looked at me as if I was disgusting.

"How the hell have you never seen none of those movies? You sure you black shorty?"

"Whatever. I'm sure I'm not the only black person who hasn't seen those movies before, so don't come for me."

Isaac shook his head and cackled.

"At this rate, we might have to trade you in exchange for Rachel Dolezal in the racial draft because I feel like she's seen at least one of these movies."

I flipped him off when he tried me and a smile graced his face. "You can always redeem yourself and watch the movies with me."

"Nah, I don't want to disturb your movie night."

"I just invited you, so it's nothing. Plus, I know you don't want to be stuck alone in that room by yourself."

"Says who?"

He sucked his teeth and rephrased his statement. " Ok, maybe I don't want to be alone...so, will you join me?"

"Yeah, if you insist." We both got up from the kitchen table and headed to the media room where there were hundreds upon hundreds of dvds.

"Tell me about this Anthony character that my sister went out with."

I plopped down on the couch before answering. "He's a nice guy and that's all you need to know."

After inserting a movie into the player, he sat beside me and looked me with a blank expression. "That's crap. I need to know more, that's my little sister."

"Y'all are twins and last time I checked she came out first."

"You gotta knack for being slick out the mouth." he added.

"Does Izzy invade your privacy when it comes to dating?" Isaac just shrugged and looked back towards the tv. "I don't date, so no."

I chortled and glanced at him to see if he was joking or not, but I couldn't tell. "What? So, even if you find a girl attractive...you not gone ask her out?"

"Nah, I much rather fuck her and keep it moving."

I rolled my eyes at how vulgar his response was. "Ugh, just nasty."

Isaac laughed obnoxiously before speaking again. "I just messing with you, Brooklyn. I date, but that's rare occurrence. She gotta be worth it if I'm gone take her out. So in other words, she gotta be you."

I cracked a smile at the quick comeback, trying not to blush when he zoned in on my eyes.

"Smooth, real smooth."

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The next few chapters are...yeah, I'm not gone tell you now lol.

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