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As the cameras rolled, Max and Celeste welcomed their unexpected celebrity guests onto the set of

"BTG: Behind the Glam." Hope, Haechan, and Mark settled onto the plush couch, ready to share insights into their lives with the eager audience.

"I'm so happy to be back here again," Hope remarked, a genuine smile gracing her lips.

"Me too," Haechan chimed in, his excitement palpable.

Celeste seized the opportunity to introduce Mark to the audience. "Well, that means Mark is here for the first time," she noted, a hint of intrigue in her voice.

Hope nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling with pride.

"I know, right?" she replied, casting a sideways glance at Mark.

Max jumped in, eager to dive into the conversation. "So, tell us, how is it working beside Hope?" he asked, directing his question to Mark.

Mark considered his response carefully before replying, "Honestly, I've never met someone so hardworking. She practices more than the backup dancers."

"Really?" Max exclaimed, eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Yes, but she's very kind to all of us," Mark continued, his admiration for Hope evident in his tone.

Max turned to Haechan and Hope, a curious expression on his face

. "How does it feel knowing that the fans were intrigued by you after her recent performance?" he inquired.

Haechan and Hope exchanged a glance before Haechan spoke up. "Honored, but very calm. Hope was the only one who wouldn't stop talking about it. She's very supportive," he explained.

"Really?" Hope interjected, her curiosity piqued.

Max seized the opportunity to delve deeper. "Seems like they must have a different perspective," he remarked, directing his comment to Haechan and Hope.

Haechan shrugged nonchalantly."He's the reason we're wearing matching outfits," he revealed with a mischievous grin.

Hope's eyes widened in surprise. "For real?" she exclaimed, shooting a playful glance at Mark.

Mark chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Now why y'all lying? Hope wanted to—" he began, before being interrupted by the sound of the director calling for a break.

As the cameras paused and the crew bustled about, the atmosphere on set remained lively, filled with laughter and camaraderie.

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