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I killed him,and now we have no choice but to go back. No way i'm going to jail,I would rather smear my shit on walls before going to jail. I hang up the phone,my father agrees that we should just all come home. Well we have to,there's nothing else we can do.

I hang up the phone after saying goodbyes to my father and turn around just to make eye contact with Kayla's father. I'm not gonna lie,he scared the shit out of me,and he knows the truth about me. About why I really left,yeah I was a bad kid and was beating the shit out of people,but i'm like one of the most hated kids in my parents illegal business.

I've killed people,watch people get killed,i've been tortured,saved,i've tortured. This is gonna be awkward when we go back because my parents think Makayla knows but,I was scared of her looking at me different so I asked her parents to tell them a different story.

He just stared,I'm gonna shit my pants if he keeps looking at me like that not gonna lie."Christopher" my body almost goes into shock at the sound of my name"You will protect her right?" He knows we have to leave,there's nothing else for us to do. And he knows that Makayla has to come too. Gosh I can't imagine what it feels like,never knowing when you'll see your daughter again,on top of that,knowing she's in a dangerous environment.

"I'll try,even if it costs me my life" I don't know bout all that,i'm just spitting at this point. I mean I would put my life on the line for her,but in just really nervous right now.

"You better,or imma take your life myself" He hugs me,then walks away. How the fuck you casually hug someone after telling them you will kill them? Like what the fuck am I supposed to do now?

I go into the room where Kristen and Mikayla are packing all of Mikayla's prize belongings"You won't need any hygiene products,you will get plenty once we get there" Mikayla looks at me and nods. To be honest I barely know Kristen but I know this is all Mikayla wants,is for her bestfriend to be happy. Not to mention that no one deserves what Kristen was going through l. I would never be able to live happily knowing I have ever hurt my children in any way or form,it would eat me alive.

Kristen looks so sad and hurt,I mean her father betrayed her,how could she be happy in a moment like this."Mikayla,Kristen so there like maybe a couple things you guys don't know about me that is important to know moving back" Makayla almost instantly stops what she's doing to look at me. Lord don't let this girl kill me"So it's important that you guys are by my side at all times,you'll need body guards if i'm not there and you'll experience things that you probably don't wanna experience."

They both look at me confused"So basically my family company is very illegal,and the real reason i'm here is because i'm wanted,not by the government,but by other family establishments"Mikayla starts giggling to herself"I swore i've read that same line in a fucking book,you're not funny" Her laugh turns into a stern tone. She doesn't believe me,I mean I wouldn't either but damn,ain't had to be so rude about it.

"Kayla I need you to be serious,this is for your safety,people will be after once they find out you're associated with me. It's dangerous for you to be there but,that's the only place we can go" Kristen just looks dumb founded. Mikayla stares at me blankly,what am I supposed to say?

"Wanna smoke one last time in here?"Kristen breaks the silence. We all look at each other nodding,that's one way to say goodbye. So we all sit on the floor and roll up"Damn imma miss this"

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